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Re: Understanding GDB frames

Marc Gauthier wrote:

Ross Morley wrote:

Associating them with the function has problems with recursion. It seems to
me the ideal is to recreate vars that have gone out of scope (they really
are new vars). Use of a scope breakpoint can better detect that than the
current methods. However, are there implementation or performance issues?

As we discussed offline yesterday, this has performance implications
on the GUI, which would have to recreate the varobjs every time which
is time consuming.

And (a) being optional, could be fully supported
like watchpoints by setting a breakpoint at the return PC, even though
it has a performance hit (especially in the presence of recursion).

I believe the performance implication comes mainly from the MI client having to recreate the MI vars, not so much from the scope breakpoint. If I recall correctly, the scope breakpoint would disappear the first time the var went out of scope, and would not exist subsequent times until the target stops and is resumed again (however it's been a while since I looked at scope breakpoints).


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