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Re: MI: -file-list-exec-source-files

>Subject: Re: MI: -file-list-exec-source-files
>Jim Blandy <> wrote:
>Nick Roberts <> writes:
>> The command "-file-list-exec-source-files" often (always?) prints out each
>> file twice:
>> -file-list-exec-source-files
>> >done,files=[{file="myprog.c",fullname="/home/nickrob/myprog.c"},{file="myprint.c",fullname="/home/nickrob/myprint.c"},{file="myprint.c",fullname="/home/nickrob/myprint.c"},{file="myprog.c",fullname="/home/nickrob/myprog.c"}]
>> Looking at the code I had hoped that one cane from the symbol table and the
>> other from the partial symbol table but in fact, when I try it, they both
>> come from the partial symbol table.  When the program being debugged has lots
>> of source files (1000's) this is very wasteful, so I would like to make this
>> command just print out each file once.  Before I do I'd like to ask:
>> Why does the partial symbol table have duplicate copies?
>> Is it safe to assume that duplicates will occur consecutively?
>I think I understand why header files get duplicated, but why .c files
>would, too, I don't know.  If you can figure it out, let me know.  (So
>I certainly don't know whether they will always appear consecutively.)

This can happen with .c files too.  It depends on *how* they are compiled.  
Each represents a compilation unit (or something like that).  Imagine you 
have foo.c which includes foo.h that has "#ifdef SOMETHING".  In one 
instance you compile foo.c with SOMETHING defined, another without.  
Then link then together.  You will have 2 instances of foo.c, in this case.

(BTW, if this message is not part of the thread it is because I subscribe to the digest.
Apologies in advance)


Susan Macchia 

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