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Re: MI query questions

On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 09:59:55AM -0700, Jim Ingham wrote:
> What we did for this is along the lines Daniel suggested.  When we  
> find multiple matches to a breakpoint, we return "matches", and then  
> a list of matches, something like:
> ^done,matches={b={index="0",canonical="-[NSException raise]",binary="/ 
> System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/ 
> Foundation",line="0",addr="0x9294d008"},b= 
> {index="1",canonical="raise",binary="/usr/lib/ 
> libSystem.B.dylib",line="0",addr="0x9012f940"}}
> Then you have to provide some way for the UI to turn around and set  
> the breakpoints it wants to set.  You aren't really guaranteed that  
> the UI will know how to cons up a breakpoint expression that will  
> return the breakpoint you want.  We tried using the canonical form,  
> and with that and the shared library you could do it mostly, except  
> if we start doing things like template breakpoints.  So we added a -l  
> option to -break-insert that takes a list of the indices and sets the  
> breakpoints for that list.
> It might have been cleaner to tie the list to the original -break- 
> insert command, like having -break-insert pass back a cookie along  
> with the matches, and then do:
> -break-confirm <cookie> <list>
> But I wanted to keep it stateless to make the implementation in gdb  
> simpler.  So the UI just sends the -break-insert twice, the second  
> time with the list.  You can also send "-1" for the list, and we will  
> automatically accept all the breakpoints.

What about the -interpreter-exec console "b A::func" case?

Bob Rossi

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