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Re: invoking GDB from FE and signals

On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 12:16:53AM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 09:57:00AM +1200, Nick Roberts wrote:
> > does it do when SIGINT is read" (which is sent by ~c^c).  Well it just works
> > like it does in a terminal but then I was surprised when Daniel said:
> > 
> >     When the inferior is running and you press Control-C, the signal goes to
> >     the inferior, not to GDB.
> > 
> > because I had thought it was the other way round and GDB could decide whether
> > to pass the signal on to the inferior or not according to the output of
> > "info signal".
> Job control signals are funny.  The C-c sends a signal to the process
> group in control of the current terminal, and when the inferior is
> running, GDB makes sure that it "owns" the terminal (so that it won't
> e.g. be automatically stopped with SIGTTIN if it tries to read()).
> This all predates 'set tty' of course.

O, right. The tty command. I definatly use that for the inferior which I
believe emacs does not. Nick, do you know if emacs uses the 'set tty'

Daniel, can you think of how this would effect signal handling? In
particular the 'kill (gdb_pid, SIGINT)' I send to GDB, only when the
inferior is running, shuts down GDB. This could of course be because the
inferior is dieing. What do you think?

Bob Rossi

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