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Re: invoking GDB from FE and signals

On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 11:20:21AM -0400, Bob Rossi wrote:
> When I say "the supported way", I'm assuming there is a way GDB provides
> for FE's to work with it in regards to sending signals, in particularly
> ^c.

But there isn't :-)

> If GDB doesn't provide this functionality and it's mere hackers
> chance that all of us FE's are getting this to work most of the time,
> then I understand what you mean.
> Othewise, if GDB has been designed to accept signal during certain
> circumstances, and not during others, I would love to know what those
> are so that I can benefit from using this functionality.

If there were such a design, hopefully, it would be in the manual.  All
of this is generally legacy from the GDB CLI, which is designed to work
with the host's job control.  When the inferior is running and you
press Control-C, the signal goes to the inferior, not to GDB.

Your needs may be different.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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