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Re: asynchronous MI output commands

> >
> >If I were writing a front-end, I would have an arbitration layer which
> >sent questions to GDB and received answers. The answers will come back
> >one at a time, in the same order the questions were asked. If you send
> >two -var-evaluate-expression commands, you'll get back two answers, in
> >that same order.
> >
> >Am I missing something? Is there a reason that this isn't enough?
> ...
> Because of the latency, my "abstraction layer" runs in its own thread. This
> makes the UI wonderfully responsive, but doesn?t allow a component/view to
> submit a command and read the answer in the same context. Answers arrive
> out of context and are processed separately - creating a high need to know
> what the answer originated from.

Sorry, but I don't feel like you've answered my question.  Why does
this interfere with pipelining?

Thread A:
  - gdb_thread.submit_question("-var-evaluate-expression A")
Thread B:
  - gdb_thread.submit_question("-var-evaluate-expression B")
GDB thread:
  - Send "-var-evaluate-expression A".  Record this as an outstanding
  - Send "-var-evaluate-expression B".  Record this as an outstanding
  - Notice that data is available.
  - Parse it, and notice that it is a response to a command.  Take the
    first command off the queue of outstanding requests.  See that it
    is -var-evaluate-expression A.  Return the answer to that request's
    submission object, in whatever way you need to.
  - Notice that more data is available... etc.

If this isn't workable, can you fill in the piece I'm missing?  Why
not?  Each command should generate a single synchronous (^done, ^error)

Right. When I was testing all this I ran into more trouble. I would actually see something like this:

(gdb) -var-evaluate-expression A
^done,value="12-var-evaluate-expression A

...because of the lack of flow-control in the telnet/SSH session (notice how the next command is embedded in the output of the first). This put me back to square#1 since there was now no 1:1 relationship between cmd/answ. While I agree that your plan is workable, I just concluded that keeping track of a command-list wasn't a reliable option without some severe pain when recovery was needed (aka back to the <token> option) - and I didn't feel that I was getting any closer to having a state-less component.

I would expect that some front-ends (GUI based ones) will employ a similar design as mine - even if they are in an environment more attached to their GDB - since we've already seen that fireing a backtrace-type command for every step can be very slow and would block the UI unreasonably if not batched in a thread other than the main GUI one.
My take was that I assumed that the output was more detailed simply because it would make my life easier in handling the returned output - instead of having to build complex schemes just to call a simple GDB command.


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