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Re: Core dumps

> $russell@home~: ulimit
> $unlimited
> What else can i try?

What shell do you use? I use zsh, and I have to use "ulimit -c" to
modify the core-file size:

        %ulimit -a
        cpu time (seconds)         unlimited
        file size (blocks)         unlimited
        data seg size (kbytes)     unlimited
        stack size (kbytes)        8192
        core file size (blocks)    0
        processes                  4093
        file descriptors           1024
        locked-in-memory size (kb) unlimited
        memory size (kb)           unlimited
        file locks                 unlimited
        %ulimit -c 2000000
        %ulimit -a
        cpu time (seconds)         unlimited
        file size (blocks)         unlimited
        data seg size (kbytes)     unlimited
        stack size (kbytes)        8192
        core file size (blocks)    2000000
        processes                  4093
        file descriptors           1024
        locked-in-memory size (kb) unlimited
        memory size (kb)           unlimited
        file locks                 unlimited


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