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Re: [reverse] A "toy" implementation of reverse execution

And I forgot to attach my example.  This contains a trace-frame
file for the testsuite/gdb.base/break.c program, with one frame
per instruction.  Using the rda server and any x86 gdb you can
debug this forward and backward, by instruction or by source line.

Michael Snyder wrote:
Hey folks,

Here's a "toy" implementation of a target that can,
to a very limited extent, act as if it's offering
reverse execution to gdb.  I hope it will be useful
for trying out ideas.  It should be useful for both
the "bookmark" approach and the "reverse-stepi" method.

What I've done is, starting from the "sample" program in RDA,
I added the ability to understand "tfind" requests, and then
added on a module that could read simplified tracepoint frames
from a file, and then serve them back to gdb.

Then I generated a trace frame file from the testsuite program
"break.c", starting at main and saving a tracepoint for every
instruction.  It only took about 157 frames.   ;-)

Now, if I feed that file to my rda-derived trace frame server,
"tfind next" becomes equivalent to "stepi", and "tfind prev"
becomes equivalent to "reverse-stepi".

With those as primatives, reverse-step turns out to be,
to first approximation at least, fairly easy:

    define reverse-si
      tfind -

    define si

    define unstep
      set $foo=$trace_line
      while $foo==$trace_line

As several of us speculated, the algorhythm for stepping backward
involves first taking a backstep, then establishing the line range
and stepping out of it, and finally taking one forward step.

I've created a branch and checked in my modified rda, along with
a hacked-up gdb that I'm using to help create trace frame files.
The branch is "msnyder-tracepoint-checkpoint-branch", and y'all
are welcome to play with it.  There's a README-CHECKPOINTS file.

Attachment: example.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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