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Re: Add systemc simulator with gdb

> >R.
> >
> >[*] For the uninitiated, SystemC started life as a simulation class 
> >library for C++ which enables you to use C++ in much the same way as you 
> >would any other HDL (Hardware description language).  However, by 
> >restricting your description a suitable subset of C++ you can then 
> >accelerate it significantly with special simulators and even run hardware 
> >synthesis tools on it.  The real power comes from the fact that your test 
> >benches can be written in abstract C++ and can then interact with your 
> >hardware description directly.
> It will be a great improvement to integrate a SystemC or HDL simulator in GDB.
> However, is there any reference about how to implement the library or bridge
> to compoment written in SystemC or HDL?

I'm not aware of any work being done in this area.


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