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Two feature suggestions

While debugging libgcj today I ran across a couple features I would
find useful.  These are applicable to both C++ and Java.

First, if you have a large inheritance tree, sometimes you don't know
the class which actually defines a given method.  For instance, in my
case I want to set a breakpoint on the `validate' method.  I'm looking
at an object of type `Window'.  Window doesn't implement validate, it
inherits it from its superclass.

I'd like to be able to type `b java.awt.Window.validate' and have gdb
find the actual implementation for me.  Traversing the inheritance
tree is more easily done by gdb than by me.

Also, in my case I only want a breakpoint for that method for my
particular window.  I'd like to be able to type something like:

    b <expression>.validate

and have it do something like:

    b java.awt.Window.validate
    cond this == <value of expression>

That is, set an object-specific breakpoint on the actual `validate'
method that will be called on the object I'm interested in.

These are both convenience operations -- I can do them by hand, but
I'd prefer that gdb do the lookups and such for me.


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