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maint set|show internal-error|internal-warning quit|corefile yes|no|auto


I'd like to propose some new set show options:

maint set|show internal-error|internal-warning quit|corefile yes|no|auto

When GDB reports an internal problem (error or warning) it gives the user the oportunity to either:

- quit GDB
- drop a core file

The above would let the user override the default (auto) of prompting the user. The user could specify that GDB should always/never quit / drop a core file (mutter something about giving the user too much rope :-).


I think users have encountered situtations where, while GDB is constantly reporting internal errors or warnings, it is otherwize useable. This, I believe, most often occures in the symbol table reader where recovery is often possible.

Letting the user override the internal error/warning behavour would let them at least use GDB.

The converse (quit, dump core) is also useful. The current testsuite tends to hang when GDB detects an internal error and tries to prompt for what to do next :-(


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