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script to figure what's in one igen model and not in another.

"I hope you never have to use this, but if you do..."

I wrote a little script that, if pointed at an igen file, will make a
stab at telling you which instructions, functions, etc., are defined
for a specific model but not for another model.

run like:

	compare_igen_models mipsI mipsII mips.igen


	compare_igen_models sb1 mdmx *.igen

(multiple file names are allowed, w/ no file names will take input
from stdin.)


If anybody has improvements, i'll be glad to see them...  8-)

# $Id: compare_igen_models,v 1.1 2002/07/30 22:34:09 cgd Exp $

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
	echo "usage: $0 model1 model2 [file ...]" 1>&2
	exit 1
shift; shift

gawk -v model1="$model1" -v model2="$model2" -F: -- '
	thang_count = 0
function thang_has_model(t, m) {
#	printf("thang_has_model(%s, %s) (@ %s:%d)\n", t, m,
#	       thangs[t,"file"], thangs[t,"line"]);
	if (thangs[t,"nmodels"] == 0) return 1;

	for (j = 0; j < thangs[t,"nmodels"]; j++) {
#		printf("\tmodel \"%s\"\n", thangs[t,"models",j]);
		if (thangs[t,"models",j] == m) return 1;
#	printf("\t-> 0\n");
	return 0
function compare_models(m1, m2) {
#	printf("compare_models(%s, %s)\n", m1, m2);
	for (i = 0; i < thang_count; i++) {
		if (thang_has_model(i, m1) && !thang_has_model(i, m2)) {
			if (!seen_any) {
				printf("Things in %s but not in %s:\n", m1, m2);
				seen_any = 1
			printf("%s:%d: %s\n", thangs[i,"file"],
			       thangs[i,"line"], thangs[i,"contents"]);
$0 ~ /^:/ && $2 == "model" {
	# ignore.
	# print "model " $0
($0 ~ /^:/ && $2 == "function") || \
($0 ~ /^:/ && $2 == "internal") || \
($0 ~ /^[0-9]/) {
	# a function, internal, or instruction.

	current_thang = thang_count

	thangs[current_thang,"file"] = FILENAME
	thangs[current_thang,"line"] = NR
	thangs[current_thang,"contents"] = $0
	thangs[current_thang,"nmodels"] = 0

	if ($0 ~ /^:/) {
		thangs[current_thang,"type"] = $2
	} else {
		thangs[current_thang,"type"] = "instruction"
$0 ~ /^\*/ {
	split(substr($1, 2), tmp_models, /,/)
	for (key in tmp_models) {
		current_model = thangs[current_thang,"nmodels"]
		thangs[current_thang,"models",current_model] = tmp_models[key]
	compare_models(model1, model2)
	if (seen_any) printf("\n");
	compare_models(model2, model1)
}' "$@"

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