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system without printf_has_long_long?


This, er gem, from language.c, has me truely puzzled:

#elif defined (PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG)
#else /* !defined (PRINTF_HAS_LONG_LONG) */
   /* Use strcat_address_numeric to print the number into a string, then
      build the result string from local_hex_format_prefix, padding and
      the hex representation as indicated by "width".  */

   temp_nbr_buf[0] = 0;
   /* With use_local == 0, we don't get the leading "0x" prefix. */
   /* MERGEBUG ?? As a quick fix I am replacing this call to
      strcat_address_numeric with sprintf
      strcat_address_numeric(num, 0, temp_nbr_buf, RESULT_BUF_LEN);

     long long ll = num;
     sprintf (temp_nbr_buf, "%llx", ll);

It has been in there for two years (HP merge) and it can't work.


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