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OCD - wiggler baud rate problem

Thanks Juro for the info.  It appears that in GDB 5.0 (ocd.c) that all ocd
writes / reads are as bytes, this would account for the problem I also had
in writing an init file, where the SYPCR was only getting 1 byte written,
then it was set for good.

I have found the download speed using wiggler has risen from 10,000 bits/sec
to 25,000,
Jonathan Riches

Juro wrote >
Hi Jonathan

There's a bug in OCD.C, I reported it to macraigor:

the file load was SIGNIFICANTLY
slower. Using Raven I achieved the equivalent of about 9600 baud rate.
So I started comparing the old code with the new one and found a serious

in the file OCD.C you try to determine if to read/write words, halfwords or

Your code:
if      ( ((memaddr & 4) == 4) || ((len & 4) == 4) )
   buf[5] = 4;  /* Word align and word length */
else if ( ((memaddr & 2) == 2) || ((len & 2) == 2) )
   buf[5] = 2; /* TWO BYTE WRITE */
   buf[5] = 1;  /* default to byte write */

is clearly wrong. You probably meant something like:

  if ( ((memaddr & 3) == 0) && ((len & 3) == 0) )
    buf[5] = 4;  /* Word align and word length */
  else if ( ((memaddr & 1) == 0) && ((len & 1) == 0) )
    buf[5] = 2; /* TWO BYTE WRITE */
    buf[5] = 1;  /* default to byte write */


The same code occurs in two different places.
Indeed, after replacing the code we were back up to the speed

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