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Re: Urgent help please...

Carlos Alfaro wrote:
>     First, excuse me if this list isn't the best place to post this
> question, but I really need help.

It's ok with me that you need help.  We've all rm'd the 
wrong thing a few times :-/

>     Thanks for any help you may give me.
> Carlos Alfaro

Attack this from two fronts.  Immediately power down the
computer and remove the hard drive.  Take it to the nearest
data rescue center to get your deleted files back.  This is
generally possible if done right away.

Have them gather the gdb and gcc files you were looking for
and get them to a cd so that you can persue recreating what
they can't salvage in the meantime.

That's just my 2¢ worth.  I'd also check out the data recovery
web sites for a more thorough explanation.  You'd probably
feel a bit better if you called on of them  them.

Obviously, if it's not your computer and you can't remove
the hard drive, then this wouldn't help you.  But I was
hoping otherwise.

Good Luck,

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