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Re: Helping GDB to find symbols

On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Andrew Cagney wrote:

> > For ex, let say the prg crashed in function A, then GDB should be able
> > to calculate the address of the args to A in the non-debug core. Then,
> > finding the function in the debug-compiled library (may be with a little
> > help), it should be able to load the defs of the args and show the values
> > of each args properly.
> > Is there a way to do that, or is this an enhancement to be added or is it
> > a totally new idea that nobody thought about before (unlikely I guess) ?
> > May be it can not be done ?
> Check the command ``symbol-file'' in the user documentation.  It should
> do exactly what you want.

In what way is this different from "gdb program core"?  If the
difference is important, I think the manual lacks an explanation of
that difference.

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