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Problem on gdb (insight) under cgywin!

    I've build insight under cygwin for my m68k target.
    I have some problems.

    1.First I execute m68k-coff-gdb.
       and open a m68k-coff image, but a error occur
        => Error loading "...../test.coff"
            bad offset (0x12264) in compilation unit header(offset 0x0+6)
        The test.coff is workable when running in target.
        So I have no idea about why GDB don't accept the coff image?

   2.Using File->target setting,I set target using Remote/serial,57600,com2.
      and Run->connect to target.
      After a long time,there is a message->"connected successfully".
      But When I ececute a "console_output" command at the target,
      sending a string like "Hello,Insight" to insight.
      I think I should see this string at the console window?
      But nothing there.Do I make any mistake?

   3.I try another method.
      I open insight and use console window to connect to target.
      (gdb)target remote com2
      After long time,the message appear."Ignoring packet error....continue"

   4.Because I only see baud setting and com port selection in insight.
      But I set following configuration in target's uart:
      =>baudrate 57600,8-bits data,1 stop-bit,no parity.
      How do I make sure  inshgt on the host can recognize this
configuration at the target?

   5.I've see a message at the ecos-discuss mailing list about ignoring
packet error
      The author said he wired up the connector at the PC end to connect
      and permanently enable DCD.Then it works fine?
      What did he mean? Do I need a special serial line?Or I can use common
serial line that buy from store.

Thank very much!

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