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Standard GDB Remote Protocol

I am about to write a GDB Remote Stub, and I want to use the standard
GDB Remote protocol for this.

Can anyone point me at the Protocol specification for this? Or doesn't
it exist?

Ive looked everywhere I can think of and can find nothing documented
about it, except references to the fact GDB has this standard Protocol.

I Know i'll get the answer "Use the Source". But that is hardly
appropriate for a Protocol. There are far more subtleties to Protocol
Design and Implementation than can usually be gleaned from anyone's
source code. 

If it doesn't exist, does anyone have any objections to a complete,
formal, Protocol specification for the GDB Remote Protocol being
created. (Note: here Im putting up my hand. If I have to reverse
engineer it from the code, Im going to document it for my benefit

If it does exist, is it up-to-date?

If I need to create one, what format should I create it in? (i.e.,
preferred document type).

Steven Johnson
Managing Director
Neurizon Pty Ltd

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