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Re: Debugging Windows Namespace extension dll

>The way that I normally do something like this is:

>   gdb /windows/explorer.exe
>   symbol-file MyDll.dll
>    set args /root
>    l DllMain
>   bp <first line number in DllMain>
>   run

>As you probably, know using 'symbol-file' wipes out any existing symbol file
>so this may not be exactly what you want.  You could use add-sym if you know
>the load address of your DLL.

>Hope this helps,
>Chris Faylor

Dear Chris,

Thanks for your help.

I still get Cannot access memory at 0x.... when I try to place a breakpoint
at DllMain. I have managed to circumvent this by placing
	if (bDebug) DebugBreak();

in DllMain, but it is not pretty.

And I still get an access violation every time the dll is loaded, either
for the symbol table or for excution.

Do you have any other suggestions?

Thanks for your help

Mark Hindley

Acting Director of the Music Centre
University of St Andrews

01334 462226

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