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Re: remote protocol: error codes

>>>>> "qqi" == Quality Quorum <> writes:
qqi> Are there any consistent description of error codes for remote
qqi> protocol ?

No.  One of the longstanding deficiencies of the remote protocol.
It's probably much too late to change now.

qqi> It seems to me that i386-stub.c has something like
qqi> E01 - malformed read request 
qqi> E02 - malformed write request 
qqi> E03 - access error

True, many stubs derived from the sample stubs distributed with GDB
return the same values.  But there are stubs that exist that aren't
related to the samples, so even those error values are unreliable.
GDB itself does not check beyond the 'E' (in many cases, any response
at all is considered an error).

qqi> at the same time sparcl-stub.c has something like P01 ??????

I think this is simply a bug, errors should always be reported in the
E?? form.  Fortunately, in this case GDB is only checking whether the
target returns anything.


J.T. Conklin
RedBack Networks

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