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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] GDB 7.6 released!

On Sun, 28 Apr 2013 09:38:05 +0200, Joel Brobecker wrote:
> utils.c:throw_perror_with_name doesn't appear to be used anywhere except
> in utils.c:perror_with_name, which is nothing more than a wrapper where
> errcode is set to GENERIC_ERROR. I am wondering if we want to keep that
> function around, or either make the function static, or inline its code
> in perror_with_name...
> I'd probably investigate why and when the function was introduced
> before making a decision, but I am running out of time for today...

throw_perror_with_name was introduced by my
0da462514a01205302e1a34bd9cdfc7bec87b814 and shortly afterwards removed by
Pedro's e1680b9894e7e24e37b1fb89c3f3c5cf8f35f13f .

While according to the GDB rules the throw_perror_with_name function could be
removed now (merged back into perror_with_name) I do not find it completely
right, throw_perror_with_name is a logical part in the whole error reporting
set and it is only coincidence it has currently no users.

This comes from the fact that selective catching of GDB exceptions is used
very rarely in GDB as the GDB exceptions are not too easy to use.


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