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Re: 'info os' additions again

> Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 14:16:46 -0700
> From: Stan Shebs <>
> CC:
> > FWIW, I never understood the reason why others prefer "info os".
> I'm sure a lot of it comes from the same-but-differentness of the Unix 
> family.  I myself have my right hand on a Macbook and left hand on a 
> Dell running Linux, and so if I'm sticking to Posix API, I want GDB to 
> work the same on the two.

Can you show the "same but different" sub-commands we have now?

What I see in osdata.c is that the info comes from a target-specific
XML file, so it could be anything.

Btw, gotta love this doc string:

  (gdb) help info os
  Show OS data ARG.

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