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Re: [PATCH] Allow user-defined as a category for python gdb macros (resend)

On 02/15/2012 09:14 AM, Scott Goldman wrote:
> Hi Phil, Eli, Doug.
> Thanks for the feedback. I adjusted the changelog, added a test case, and updated the documentation as per your suggestions.
>> [Doug]
>> The documentation needs to make clear that "user" means "those
>> commands defined in class_user" and not any command defined by the
>> user.
> I think I understand what you're saying. I suppose the distinction is that `help user-defined` may now show python commands in addition to what are traditionally known as user-defined commands. I updated the documentation to reflect this. I no longer use the phrase "user-defined python commands", instead I refer to commands as "user-defined commands" or "python commands". I also clarified that `help user-defined` may also show python commands that were declared under COMMAND_USER. Hopefully that's what you had in mind. Any further suggestions on how you'd like the doc reworked are welcome.
> -sjg

Thanks for taking care of the issues I raised.  I have no further comments.  Please wait for Doug to give code check-in approval (or more comments), and similarly with Eli with documentation.



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