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Re: [wrong patch] Re: [patch+7.3] gdbindex regression: stabs forgotten

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Kratochvil <> writes:

Jan> It seems even understandable for me.  dwarf2_gdb_index_functions
Jan> would need to fallback to psym_functions IMO, if you meant that.  I
Jan> am not going to implement that part, therefore just FYI.

Yeah, I wouldn't bother.

This patch looks good to me.

Tom> It is hard to imagine anybody caring about this kind of thing though.
Tom> I just thought it was funny.

Jan> While it will probably never happen in Fedora still STABS is in use
Jan> at least for Firefox upstream and static libraries are also in use
Jan> outside of Fedora so I can imagine it may happen.



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