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Re: print_npx_status_word

Tom> As others have noted, ChangeLog is "prepend only".
Tom> We generally don't edit old entries.

Michael> As I stated before, it would be unwise though to keep unmaintained
Michael> function names in the log entries. You can apply the changes
Michael> optionally, but I strongly advise against retaining the original log
Michael> entries.

The log is just that, a log.  Think of it as a primitive version of VC
commit messages.  It is a document describe a sequence of changes, not a
document describing the current state of the source -- the source itself
plays that role.

Michael> If you don't like the indentation, I suggest you instead modify
Michael> you tab-settings locally. Personally I'm used programming with
Michael> a little more space than.

The usual rule in all projects is "consistent is better than good".
GDB fixed the basics of its style many years ago, for better or worse.
So, please conform to the prevailing style.

Tom> No `//' comments.

Michael> I have taken this into account, does that also hold for inline
Michael> comments?

Yes.  GDB is mostly on C89.  This is fairly typical in the GNU tools.


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