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Re: [RFA-v2] Fix ARI warning about function call in first column

> From: "Pierre Muller" <>
> Cc: <>
> Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 17:03:16 +0100
>   Eli, this still leaves us with two 
> cases for which we either have
> or
> with a single line that exceeds 80 columns.

I see no problem with long lines, if there are no better alternatives.
I generally dislike tools that raise warnings for perfectly valid and
readable code, and I don't think we must every follow minor stylistic
rule when that rule gives sub-optimal results.

But it sounds like I'm the only one (again).  So I give up: do
whatever you and others think is right, and I will crawl back under my

>   I didn't really understand your comment about
> automatic indenting by emacs because I never used emacs :(

In Emacs, hitting the TAB key anywhere on a line of code reindents
this line according to the current setting of the coding style.  The
default coding style is, not surprisingly, the GNU coding style
described in standards.texi.

So, when you hit TAB in a C source file on the second of the two lines
that say


Emacs reindents it like this:


You can also re-indent a whole region of source in Emacs, by marking
the region and pressing TAB.  This is a very convenient way of
reformatting a large portion of code according to GNU standards (which
mostly happen to be GDB standards as well).  When you re-indent a
large region like that, it is easy to undo the kind of formatting you
want to enforce, shown above, because you will not generally go back
and examine each line of the reformatted region -- you trust Emacs to

The  net  result  will  be,   I  fear,  that  such  reformatting  will
inadvertently  undo the  indentation  of prototypes,  and trigger  ARI
warnings for no good reason.

I hope I made myself clear this time.

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