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Re: [win32] Fix suspend count handling

Christopher Faylor escribió:
On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 06:56:04PM +0000, Pedro Alves wrote:
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 03:44:31PM +0100, Lerele wrote:
What do you think?
There is some code in win32-nat.c which was a result of my uncertainty
about the Windows debugging API. I thought that since we have a couple
more eyes on this now someone might know a bit more about how this
works. Understanding the foundations is never a bad idea.
I'm not interested in gdbserver or what you think may be happening in
the future. If the SuspendThread/ResumeThread code can be eliminated
from win32-nat.c along with all of the bookkeeping that is required to
avoid races then it may be a good idea to do so. Whether it is a good
idea in light of future enhancements is a decision I can make but,
personally, I rarely see a good reason to keep code complication around
for the future unless someone is actually planning to do the work.
We can stop talking about this now since it is apparent that no one
actually knows the answer to my question.
100% Agreed.

Just to let you know that I plan on looking at this.
I'm specifically wanting to look at what we're doing
when/if we need to step over something with all
threads but the current stopped -- if that is supposed to
happen, it looks like we're broken, we should be
suspending all the threads but the current before

I was going to try just temporarily doing this to see what happens:

#define SuspendThread(hThread) 1
#define ResumeThread(hThread) 1


I did remove SuspendThread from gdbserver, before my last reply. Did have to remove SuspendThreadInterrupt support too. Worked Ok. I guess win32-nat.c should be similar.

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