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[PATCH: gdb/mi] gdb-mi.el

This patch updates gdb-mi.el so that it works again with Emacs in the CVS
repository at Savannah (Emacs 22.0.50) which, hopefully, will be released, one
day, as Emacs 22. I plan to update this file to reflect the current and future
changes I make for MI in GDB. The slow release cycle of Emacs makes it
impossible to track these changes from the Emacs side.


Comment from gdb-mi.el:
;; This file uses GDB/MI as the primary interface to GDB. It is still under
;; development and is part of a process to migrate Emacs from annotations
;; (as used in gdb-ui.el) to GDB/MI.

*** /home/nick/src/gdb/mi/gdb-mi.el.~1.1.~	2004-07-27 09:52:34.000000000 +1200
--- /home/nick/src/gdb/mi/gdb-mi.el	2005-03-02 20:53:40.000000000 +1300
*** 1,4 ****
! ;;; gdb-mi.el (internally gdbmi6.el) - (24th May 2004)
  ;; Run gdb with GDB/MI (-interp=mi) and access CLI using "cli-command"
  ;; (could use "-interpreter-exec console cli-command")
--- 1,4 ----
! ;;; gdb-mi.el
  ;; Run gdb with GDB/MI (-interp=mi) and access CLI using "cli-command"
  ;; (could use "-interpreter-exec console cli-command")
*** 7,13 ****
  ;; Maintainer: Nick Roberts <>
  ;; Keywords: unix, tools
! ;; Copyright (C) 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; This file is part of GNU GDB.
--- 7,13 ----
  ;; Maintainer: Nick Roberts <>
  ;; Keywords: unix, tools
! ;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; This file is part of GNU GDB.
*** 23,36 ****
  ;;; Commentary:
! ;; This mode acts as a graphical user interface to GDB and requires GDB 6.1
! ;; onwards. You can interact with GDB through the GUD buffer in the usual way,
! ;; but there are also buffers which control the execution and describe the
! ;; state of your program. It separates the input/output of your program from
! ;; that of GDB and displays expressions and their current values in their own
! ;; buffers. It also uses features of Emacs 21 such as the fringe/display
! ;; margin for breakpoints, and the toolbar (see the GDB Graphical Interface
! ;; section in the Emacs info manual).
  ;; Start the debugger with M-x gdbmi.
--- 23,37 ----
  ;;; Commentary:
! ;; This mode acts as a graphical user interface to GDB and should work with
! ;; Emacs 22.0 and the version of GDB with which it is distributed. You can
! ;; interact with GDB through the GUD buffer in the usual way, but there are
! ;; also buffers which control the execution and describe the state of your
! ;; program. It separates the input/output of your program from that of GDB and
! ;; displays expressions and their current values in their own buffers. It also
! ;; uses features of Emacs 21 such as the fringe/display margin for
! ;; breakpoints, and the toolbar (see the GDB Graphical Interface section in
! ;; the Emacs info manual).
  ;; Start the debugger with M-x gdbmi.
*** 40,46 ****
  ;; Known Bugs:
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'gud)
--- 41,53 ----
  ;; Known Bugs:
! ;; 1) You cannot use run, step, next or continue in the GUD buffer but
! ;;    must use their MI counterparts by clicking on the appropriate icon
! ;;    in the toolbar.
! ;;
! ;; 2) Cannot display correct frame with gdb-frames-select (mouse-2 in Frames
! ;;    buffer) or up/down in GUD buffer. Needs event notification in MI.
! ;;
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'gud)
*** 106,111 ****
--- 113,129 ----
    (set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode) 'gdbmi)
    (set (make-local-variable 'gud-marker-filter) 'gud-gdbmi-marker-filter)
+   (gud-def gud-step   "-exec-step %p"              "\C-s" 
+ 	   "Step one source line with display.")
+   (gud-def gud-stepi  "-exec-step-instruction %p"  "\C-i"
+ 	   "Step one instruction with display.")
+   (gud-def gud-next   "-exec-next %p"              "\C-n"
+ 	   "Step one line (skip functions).")
+   (gud-def gud-cont   "-exec-continue"             "\C-r"
+ 	   "Continue with display.")
+   (gud-def gud-finish "-exec-finish"               "\C-f"
+ 	   "Finish executing current function.")
+   (gud-def gud-run    "-exec-run"	     nil    "Run the program.")
    (gud-def gud-break (if (not (string-equal mode-name "Machine"))
  			 (gud-call "-break-insert %f:%l" arg)
*** 152,157 ****
--- 170,179 ----
    (setq gdb-pending-triggers nil)
    (setq gdb-output-sink 'user)
    (setq gdb-server-prefix nil)
+   (setq gdb-flush-pending-output nil)
+   (setq gdb-location-list nil)
+   (setq gdb-find-file-unhook nil)
+   (setq gdb-source-file-list nil)
    (setq gdb-buffer-type 'gdbmi)
*** 160,187 ****
    (if (eq window-system 'w32)
        (gdb-enqueue-input (list "-gdb-set new-console off\n" 'ignore)))
    ;; find source file and compilation directory here
!   (gdb-enqueue-input (list "list main\n"   'ignore))   ; C program
!   (gdb-enqueue-input (list "list MAIN__\n" 'ignore))   ; Fortran program
!   (gdb-enqueue-input (list "info source\n" 'gdbmi-source-info))
    (run-hooks 'gdbmi-mode-hook))
  ; Force nil till fixed.
  (defconst gdbmi-use-inferior-io-buffer nil)
! ; uses --all-values Needs GDB 6.1 onwards.
  (defun gdbmi-var-list-children (varnum)
     (list (concat "-var-update " varnum "\n") 'ignore))
!    (list (concat "-var-list-children --all-values "  
  		 varnum "\n")
  	     `(lambda () (gdbmi-var-list-children-handler ,varnum)))))
  (defconst gdbmi-var-list-children-regexp
! "name=\"\\(.*?\\)\",exp=\"\\(.*?\\)\",numchild=\"\\(.*?\\)\",value=\"\\(.*?\\)\""
! )
  (defun gdbmi-var-list-children-handler (varnum)
    (with-current-buffer (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-partial-output-buffer)
--- 182,211 ----
    (if (eq window-system 'w32)
        (gdb-enqueue-input (list "-gdb-set new-console off\n" 'ignore)))
+   (gdb-enqueue-input (list "-gdb-set height 0\n" 'ignore))
    ;; find source file and compilation directory here
!   (gdb-enqueue-input
!    (list "-file-list-exec-source-files\n" 'gdb-get-source-file-list))
!   (gdb-enqueue-input
!    (list "-file-list-exec-source-file\n" 'gdb-get-source-file))
    (run-hooks 'gdbmi-mode-hook))
  ; Force nil till fixed.
  (defconst gdbmi-use-inferior-io-buffer nil)
! ; uses -var-list-children 1 (= --with-values) Needs GDB 6.1 onwards.
  (defun gdbmi-var-list-children (varnum)
     (list (concat "-var-update " varnum "\n") 'ignore))
!    (list (concat "-var-list-children 1 "  
  		 varnum "\n")
  	     `(lambda () (gdbmi-var-list-children-handler ,varnum)))))
  (defconst gdbmi-var-list-children-regexp
! "name=\"\\(.*?\\)\",exp=\"\\(.*?\\)\",numchild=\"\\(.*?\\)\",\
! value=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
  (defun gdbmi-var-list-children-handler (varnum)
    (with-current-buffer (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-partial-output-buffer)
*** 226,233 ****
    :type 'string
    :group 'gud)
! (defconst gdb-stopped-regexp 
!   "\\((gdb) \n\\*stopped\\|^\\^done\\),reason=.*,file=\"\\(.*\\)\",line=\"\\(.*\\)\".*")
  (defconst gdb-console-regexp "~\"\\(.*\\)\\\\n\"")
--- 250,257 ----
    :type 'string
    :group 'gud)
! (defconst gdb-stopped-regexp
!   "\\(\\*stopped\\|^\\^done\\),reason=.*,file=\"\\(.*\\)\",line=\"\\(.*\\)\".*")
  (defconst gdb-console-regexp "~\"\\(.*\\)\\\\n\"")
*** 245,256 ****
! 	(dolist (frame (frame-list))
! 	  (when (string-equal (frame-parameter frame 'name) "Speedbar")
! 	    (setq gdb-var-changed t)    ; force update
! 	    (dolist (var gdb-var-list)
! 	      (setcar (nthcdr 5 var) nil))))
! 	(gdb-var-update))
    (let ((sink gdb-output-sink))
      (when (eq sink 'emacs)
        (let ((handler
--- 269,279 ----
! 	(when (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame) (frame-live-p speedbar-frame))
! 	  (setq gdb-var-changed t)   ; force update
! 	  (dolist (var gdb-var-list)
! 	    (setcar (nthcdr 5 var) nil))
! 	  (gdb-var-update)))
    (let ((sink gdb-output-sink))
      (when (eq sink 'emacs)
        (let ((handler
*** 267,325 ****
  (defun gud-gdbmi-marker-filter (string)
    "Filter GDB/MI output."
!   (if gdb-enable-debug-log (push (cons 'recv string) gdb-debug-log))
!   ;; Recall the left over gud-marker-acc from last time
!   (setq gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string))
!   ;; Start accumulating output for the GUD buffer
!   (let ((output ""))
!     (if (string-match gdb-running-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
!        (setq gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))
! 	     gud-running t))
!     ;; Remove the trimmings from the console stream.
!     (while (string-match gdb-console-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
!        (setq 
! 	gud-marker-acc (concat (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0))
! 			       (match-string 1 gud-marker-acc)
! 			       (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))))
!     ;; Remove log stream containing debugging messages being produced by GDB's
!     ;; internals.
!     (while (string-match gdb-internals-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
!        (setq 
  	 gud-marker-acc (concat (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0))
  				(substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))))
!     (if (string-match gdb-stopped-regexp gud-marker-acc)
!       (setq
!        ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
!        gud-last-frame (cons (match-string 2 gud-marker-acc)
! 			    (string-to-int (match-string 3 gud-marker-acc)))
!        ;; Append any text before the marker to the output we're going
!        ;; to return - we don't include the marker in this text.
!        output (gdbmi-concat-output output
! 		      (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0)))
!        ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
!        gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
!     (while (string-match gdb-gdb-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
!       (setq
!        ;; Append any text up to and including prompt less \n to the output.
!        output (gdbmi-concat-output output
! 		      (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (- (match-end 0) 1)))
!        ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
!        gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))
!       (gdbmi-prompt))
!     (setq output (gdbmi-concat-output output gud-marker-acc))
!     (setq gud-marker-acc "")
!     output))
  (defun gdbmi-concat-output (so-far new)
    (let ((sink gdb-output-sink))
--- 290,351 ----
  (defun gud-gdbmi-marker-filter (string)
    "Filter GDB/MI output."
!   (if gdb-flush-pending-output
!       nil
!     (if gdb-enable-debug-log (push (cons 'recv string) gdb-debug-log))
!     ;; Recall the left over gud-marker-acc from last time
!     (setq gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string))
!     ;; Start accumulating output for the GUD buffer
!     (let ((output ""))
!       (if (string-match gdb-running-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
! 	  (setq gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))
! 		gud-running t))
!       ;; Remove the trimmings from the console stream.
!       (while (string-match gdb-console-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
! 	(setq 
  	 gud-marker-acc (concat (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0))
+ 				(match-string 1 gud-marker-acc)
  				(substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))))
!       ;; Remove log stream containing debugging messages being produced by GDB's
!       ;; internals.
!       (while (string-match gdb-internals-regexp gud-marker-acc) 
! 	(setq 
! 	 gud-marker-acc (concat (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0))
! 				(substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))))
!       (if (string-match gdb-stopped-regexp gud-marker-acc)
! 	  (setq
! 	   ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
! 	   gud-last-frame (cons (match-string 2 gud-marker-acc)
! 				(string-to-int (match-string 3 gud-marker-acc)))
! 	   ;; Append any text before the marker to the output we're going
! 	   ;; to return - we don't include the marker in this text.
! 	   output (gdbmi-concat-output output
! 				       (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0)))
! 	   ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
! 	   gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
!       (if (string-match gdb-gdb-regexp gud-marker-acc)
! 	  (progn
! 	    (setq
! 	     ;; Append any text up to and including prompt less \n to the output.
! 	     output (gdbmi-concat-output 
! 		     output (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (- (match-end 0) 1)))
! 	     ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
! 	     gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0)))
! 	    (gdbmi-prompt))
! 	(setq output (gdbmi-concat-output output gud-marker-acc))
! 	(setq gud-marker-acc ""))
!       output)))
  (defun gdbmi-concat-output (so-far new)
    (let ((sink gdb-output-sink))
*** 354,366 ****
  (defconst gdb-break-list-regexp
! "number=\"\\(.*?\\)\",type=\"\\(.*?\\)\",disp=\"\\(.*?\\)\",enabled=\"\\(.\\)\",addr=\"\\(.*?\\)\",func=\"\\(.*?\\)\",file=\"\\(.*?\\)\",line=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
  (defun gdb-break-list-handler ()
    (setq gdb-pending-triggers (delq 'gdbmi-invalidate-breakpoints
!   (let ((breakpoint nil)
! 	(breakpoints-list nil))
      (with-current-buffer (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-partial-output-buffer)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (re-search-forward gdb-break-list-regexp nil t)
--- 380,392 ----
  (defconst gdb-break-list-regexp
! "number=\"\\(.*?\\)\",type=\"\\(.*?\\)\",disp=\"\\(.*?\\)\",enabled=\"\\(.\\)\",\
! addr=\"\\(.*?\\)\",func=\"\\(.*?\\)\",file=\"\\(.*?\\)\",line=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
  (defun gdb-break-list-handler ()
    (setq gdb-pending-triggers (delq 'gdbmi-invalidate-breakpoints
!   (let ((breakpoint) (breakpoints-list))
      (with-current-buffer (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-partial-output-buffer)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (re-search-forward gdb-break-list-regexp nil t)
*** 393,399 ****
  ;;-put breakpoint icons in relevant margins (even those set in the GUD buffer)
  (defun gdb-break-list-custom ()
!   (let ((flag)(address))
      ;; remove all breakpoint-icons in source buffers but not assembler buffer
      (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
--- 419,425 ----
  ;;-put breakpoint icons in relevant margins (even those set in the GUD buffer)
  (defun gdb-break-list-custom ()
!   (let ((flag) (bptno))
      ;; remove all breakpoint-icons in source buffers but not assembler buffer
      (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
*** 406,434 ****
  	(goto-char (point-min))
  	(while (< (point) (- (point-max) 1))
  	  (forward-line 1)
! 	  (if (looking-at "[0-9]*\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\(.\\)\\s-*\\S-*\\s-*\\(\\S-*\\):\\([0-9]+\\)")
! 		(setq flag (char-after (match-beginning 1)))
! 		(let ((line (match-string 3)) (buffer-read-only nil)
! 		      (file (match-string 2)))
  		  (add-text-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)
! 				       '(mouse-face highlight
! 						    help-echo "mouse-2, RET: visit breakpoint"))
! 		  (with-current-buffer
! 		      (find-file-noselect
! 		       (if (file-exists-p file) file
! 			 (expand-file-name file gdb-cdir)))
! 		    (save-current-buffer
! 		      (set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode) 'gdbmi)
! 		      (set (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map)
! 			   gud-tool-bar-map))
! 		    ;; only want one breakpoint icon at each location
! 		    (save-excursion
! 		      (goto-line (string-to-number line))
! 		      (gdb-put-breakpoint-icon (eq flag ?y)))))))))
! 	  (end-of-line)))
    (if (gdb-get-buffer 'gdb-assembler-buffer) (gdb-assembler-custom)))
  ;; Frames buffer.  This displays a perpetually correct bactrack trace.
  (def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer gdb-stack-buffer
--- 432,492 ----
  	(goto-char (point-min))
  	(while (< (point) (- (point-max) 1))
  	  (forward-line 1)
! 	  (if (looking-at
! 	       "\\([0-9]+\\)\\s-+\\S-+\\s-+\\S-+\\s-+\\(.\\)\\s-+\\S-+\\s-+\
! \\(\\S-+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)")
! 		(setq bptno (match-string 1))
! 		(setq flag (char-after (match-beginning 2)))
! 		(let ((line (match-string 4)) (buffer-read-only nil)
! 		      (file (match-string 3)))
  		  (add-text-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)
! 		   '(mouse-face highlight
! 		     help-echo "mouse-2, RET: visit breakpoint"))
! 			(unless (file-exists-p file)
! 			   (setq file (cdr (assoc bptno gdb-location-list))))
! 			(unless (string-equal file "File not found")
! 			  (if file
! 			      (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
! 				(set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode)
! 				     'gdbmi)
! 				(set (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map)
! 				     gud-tool-bar-map)
! 				;; only want one breakpoint icon at each location
! 				(save-excursion
! 				  (goto-line (string-to-number line))
! 				  (gdb-put-breakpoint-icon (eq flag ?y) bptno)))
! 			    (gdb-enqueue-input
! 			     (list (concat "list "
! 					   (match-string-no-properties 3) ":1\n")
! 				   'ignore))
! 			    (gdb-enqueue-input
! 			     (list "-file-list-exec-source-file\n"
! 				   `(lambda () (gdbmi-get-location
! 						,bptno ,line ,flag)))))))))))
!       (end-of-line)))
    (if (gdb-get-buffer 'gdb-assembler-buffer) (gdb-assembler-custom)))
+ (defun gdbmi-get-location (bptno line flag)
+   "Find the directory containing the relevant source file.
+ Put in buffer and place breakpoint icon."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (if (re-search-forward gdb-source-file-regexp nil t)
+       (push (cons bptno (match-string 1)) gdb-location-list)
+     (gdb-resync)
+     (push (cons bptno "File not found") gdb-location-list)
+     (error "Cannot find source file for breakpoint location.
+ Add directory to search path for source files using the GDB command, dir."))
+   (with-current-buffer
+       (find-file-noselect (match-string 0))
+     (save-current-buffer
+       (set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode) 'gdbmi)
+       (set (make-local-variable 'tool-bar-map) gud-tool-bar-map))
+     ;; only want one breakpoint icon at each location
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-line (string-to-number line))
+       (gdb-put-breakpoint-icon (eq flag ?y) bptno))))
  ;; Frames buffer.  This displays a perpetually correct bactrack trace.
  (def-gdb-auto-updated-buffer gdb-stack-buffer
*** 438,444 ****
  (defconst gdb-stack-list-frames-regexp
! "level=\"\\(.*?\\)\",addr=\"\\(.*?\\)\",func=\"\\(.*?\\)\",file=\"\\(.*?\\)\",line=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
  (defun gdb-stack-list-frames-handler ()
    (setq gdb-pending-triggers (delq 'gdbmi-invalidate-frames
--- 496,503 ----
  (defconst gdb-stack-list-frames-regexp
! "level=\"\\(.*?\\)\",addr=\"\\(.*?\\)\",func=\"\\(.*?\\)\",\
! file=\"\\(.*?\\)\",line=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
  (defun gdb-stack-list-frames-handler ()
    (setq gdb-pending-triggers (delq 'gdbmi-invalidate-frames
*** 564,568 ****
--- 623,654 ----
  	 (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-assembler-buffer)))
        (other-window 1))))
+ ;; these functions/variables may go into gdb-ui.el in the near future
+ ;; (from gdb-nui.el)
+ (defvar gdb-source-file-list nil)
+ (defvar gdb-source-file-regexp "fullname=\"\\(.*?\\)\"")
+ (defun gdb-get-source-file ()
+   "Find the source file where the program starts and display it with related
+ buffers, if required."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (if (re-search-forward gdb-source-file-regexp nil t)
+       (setq gdb-main-file (match-string 1)))
+  (if gdb-many-windows
+       (gdb-setup-windows)
+    (gdb-get-create-buffer 'gdb-breakpoints-buffer)
+    (if gdb-show-main
+        (let ((pop-up-windows t))
+ 	 (display-buffer (gud-find-file gdb-main-file))))))
+ (defun gdb-get-source-file-list ()
+   "Create list of source files for current GDB session."
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (while (re-search-forward gdb-source-file-regexp nil t)
+     (push (match-string 1) gdb-source-file-list)))
  (provide 'gdb-mi)
  ;;; gdbmi.el ends here

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