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Re: [rfa:doco] Zap mi1 reference

If I was to write an MI module for libtgdb, do you see that working for
only gdb 6.0? Would I then have to write a MI2 module for 6.1? I would
hope that my MI1 library would work with both GDB 6.0,6.1. Is this a
quality the MI protocol is going to sustain? and that an MI2 module
would only allow for more functionality, or more of something.

- using frame ID's with varobj
- N:M breakpoints
will impact significantly on the MI interface.

Will this break all MI1 front end clients?

To turn the problem around, clients that don't exploit the new mechanisms are, by definition, already broken :-/

For instance without a frame ID it isn't possible for varobj to correctly identify a frame. This means that when your existing code tries to debug frameless i386 backtraces it's going to fail in wierd and wonderful ways (typically by selecting the wrong frame). Only by by identifying frames using a frame ID will your code be able to work robustly.


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