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Re: [patch/rfc] Rewrite "structs" testcase

Can you file a PR and then make the test KFAIL for i386,
with reference to the bug report.  My recollection of the
policy is: new PASS is good, new KFAIL is really good,
new FAIL is bad.

By necessity, there is a great deal of flexability here. While it is reasonable to expect the new tests to be fully resolved for one specific architecture, that expectation really doesn't extend be extended to other architectures - otherwize we'd never get new tests :-) Anyway, I'll try to make the mechanism of adding the KFAILs easier, at present it is a bit messy (as in almost impossible :-) :-(

I've attached a more current work-in-progress.

Note that for PPC, you'll want to apply this unapproved patch:
as otherwize the test trips over PPC GDB bugs.


# This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.

# Copyright 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  

# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:

if $tracelevel then {
	strace $tracelevel

set prms_id 0
set bug_id 0

# Some targets can't call functions, so don't even bother with this
# test.

if [target_info exists gdb,cannot_call_functions] {
    setup_xfail "*-*-*" 2416
    fail "This target can not call functions"

set testfile "structs"
set srcfile ${testfile}.c
set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}

# Create and source the file that provides information about the
# compiler used to compile the test case.

if [get_compiler_info ${binfile}] {
    return -1;

# Build a testcase with the specified set of types

proc start_structs_test { name types } {
    global testfile
    global srcfile
    global binfile
    global objdir
    global subdir
    global srcdir

    # Create the additional flags
    set flags "debug"
    set n 0
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
	set m [I2A ${n}]
	set t [lindex ${types} $n]
	lappend flags "additional_flags=-Dt${m}=${t}"

    set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}-${name}
    if  { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable "${flags}"] != "" } {
	# built the second test case since we can't use prototypes
	warning "Prototypes not supported, rebuilding with -DNO_PROTOTYPES"
	if  { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable "${flags} additional_flags=-DNO_PROTOTYPES"] != "" } {
	    gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."

    # Start with a fresh gdb.
    gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
    gdb_load ${binfile}

    # Make certain that the output is consistent
    gdb_test "set print sevenbit-strings" "" "set print sevenbit-strings for ${name}"
    gdb_test "set print address off" ""      "set print address off for ${name}"
    gdb_test "set width 0" ""                "set width 0 for ${name}"

    # Advance to main
    if { ![runto_main] } then {

    # check that at the struct containing all the relevant types is correct
    set foo_t "type = struct struct[llength ${types}] {"
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
	append foo_t {[\r\n ]+} [lindex ${types} $n] " " [i2a $n] ";"
    append foo_t {[\r\n ]+} "}"
    gdb_test "ptype foo[llength ${types}]" "${foo_t}" "${foo_t} for ${name}"

# The value of each fooN structure.  First element is empty to make
# indexing easier.
proc foo { n } {
    return [lindex {
	"{a = 49 '1'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', D = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E', o = 111 'o', p = 71 'G'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', D = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F', p = 112 'p', q = 72 'H'}"
    } $n]

proc i2a { n } {
    return [string range "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $n $n]

proc I2A { n } {
    return [string toupper [i2a $n]]

# Call FUNC with no arguments, and expect to see the regexp RESULT in
# the output.  Since GDB called the function, GDB always knows where
# the return value is.  These tests should never fail.  Use a char
# formatted print so that, regardless of the type of each struct
# element, the printed value are always the same.

proc call_struct_func { name n } {
    global gdb_prompt
    set command "p/c fun${n}()"
    set result [foo ${n}]
    send_gdb "${command}\n"
    gdb_expect {
        -re "$result\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
            pass "$command for ${name} ${n}"
        -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
            fail "$command for ${name} ${n}"
        timeout {
            fail "$command for ${name} ${n} (timeout)"

proc call_void_func { name n } {
    set command  "p Fun${n}(foo${n})"
    gdb_test "${command}" " = (void|0)" "${command} for ${name} ${n}"

proc print_struct { name n } {
    set command  "p/c L${n}"
    set result [foo ${n}]
    gdb_test "${command}" ${result} "${command} for ${name} ${n}"

proc test_function_call { name n } {
    # First, call the "fun" functions and examine the value they
    # return.  This checks that GDB can correctly, and always, extract
    # the return value from an inferior function call.
    call_struct_func ${name} $n

    # Now call the Fun functions to set the L* variables.  This
    # tests that gdb properly passes structures to functions (by
    # checking that the function stored the correct value in a global
    # variable).
    call_void_func ${name} $n
    print_struct ${name} $n

# Simple test - all elements are the same size

proc struct_call_test { types last } {

    # Create the name
    set name "call-"
    foreach t $types {
	append name "$t"

    # Now compile and run the program
    start_structs_test ${name} ${types}

    # Test all relevant functions.  Skip those that don't at least
    # contain all the specified types, and stop at the upper bound.
    for {set test [llength ${types}]} {$test<=$last} {incr test} {
	test_function_call ${name} $test


# ABIs pass anything >8 or >16 bytes in memory but below that things
# randomly use register and/and structure conventions.  Check all
# possible sized char structs in that range.

struct_call_test { tc } 17

# Now do the same for other typed structs but this time limit things
# to roughly 8 bytes.

struct_call_test { ts } 5
struct_call_test { ti } 3
struct_call_test { tl } 3
struct_call_test { tll } 2
struct_call_test { tf } 3
struct_call_test { td } 2
struct_call_test { tld } 1

struct_call_test { ts tc } 7
struct_call_test { ti tc } 5
struct_call_test { tl tc } 5
struct_call_test { tll tc } 1
struct_call_test { tf tc } 5
struct_call_test { td tc } 1
struct_call_test { tld tc } 1

struct_call_test { tc ts } 5
struct_call_test { tc ti } 3
struct_call_test { tc tl } 3
struct_call_test { tc tll } 1
struct_call_test { tc tf } 3
struct_call_test { tc td } 1
struct_call_test { tc tld } 1

# Check that GDB can force a struct return value.  This tests the
# "return_value" write path.

# Advance to parameterless FUNC and force its return.
proc return_struct_func { name n } {
    global gdb_prompt
    gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
	    "fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
	    "advance fun${n} for ${name}"

    # Be careful to only produce one PASS/FAIL.
    send_gdb "return foo${n}\n"
    gdb_expect {
	-re  "Make fun${n} return now.*y or n. $" {
	    send_gdb "y\n"
	    gdb_expect {
		-re "L${n} *= fun${n}.*${gdb_prompt} $" {
		    # Need to step off the function call
		    gdb_test "next" "L.* *= fun.*" "return foo${n} for ${name}"
		-re "${gdb_prompt} $" {
		    pass "return foo${n} for ${name}"
		timeout {
		    fail "return foo${n} for ${name} (timeout)"

    # Check that the returned value really was returned.
    gdb_test "p/c L${n}" " = [foo ${n}]" "p/c L${n} for ${name}"

proc struct_return_test { types last } {
    set n [llength ${types}]

    # Create the name
    set name "return-"
    foreach t $types {
	append name "$t"

    # Now compile and run the program
    start_structs_test ${name} ${types}

    # Check as many functions as possible
    for {set test [llength ${types}]} {$test<=$last} {incr test} {
	return_struct_func ${name} ${test}

struct_return_test { tc } 1

# Check that GDB can do a finish.  This checks the struct return read
# path.

# Advance to parameterless FUNC and force its return.
proc finish_struct_func { name n } {
    gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
	    "fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
	    "advance fun${n} for ${name}"
    gdb_test "finish" "[foo ${n}]" "finish for ${name} ${n}"

proc struct_finish_test { types last } {

    # Create the name
    set name "finish-"
    foreach t $types {
	append name "$t"

    # Now compile and run the program
    start_structs_test ${name} ${types}

    # Check as many functions as possible
    for {set test [llength ${types}]} {$test<=$last} {incr test} {
	finish_struct_func ${name} ${test}

struct_finish_test { tc } 1

return 0
/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.

   Copyright 1996, 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

   Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:  */

/* Useful abreviations.  */
typedef void t;
typedef char tc;
typedef short ts;
typedef int ti;
typedef long tl;
typedef long long tll;
typedef float tf;
typedef double td;
typedef long double tld;

/* Force the type of each field.  */
#ifndef tA
typedef t tA;
#ifndef tB
typedef tA tB;
#ifndef tC
typedef tB tC;
#ifndef tD
typedef tC tD;
#ifndef tE
typedef tD tE;
#ifndef tF
typedef tE tF;
#ifndef tG
typedef tF tG;
#ifndef tH
typedef tG tH;
#ifndef tI
typedef tH tI;
#ifndef tJ
typedef tI tJ;
#ifndef tK
typedef tJ tK;
#ifndef tL
typedef tK tL;
#ifndef tM
typedef tL tM;
#ifndef tN
typedef tM tN;
#ifndef tO
typedef tN tO;
#ifndef tP
typedef tO tP;
#ifndef tQ
typedef tP tQ;

struct  struct1 {tA a;};
struct  struct2 {tA a; tB b;};
struct  struct3 {tA a; tB b; tC c; };
struct  struct4 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; };
struct  struct5 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; };
struct  struct6 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; };
struct  struct7 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; };
struct  struct8 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; };
struct  struct9 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; };
struct struct10 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; };
struct struct11 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; };
struct struct12 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; };
struct struct13 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; };
struct struct14 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; };
struct struct15 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; };
struct struct16 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; tP p; };
struct struct17 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD D; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; tP p; tQ q; };

struct  struct1  foo1 = {'1'}, L1;
struct  struct2  foo2 = {'a','2'}, L2;
struct  struct3  foo3 = {'1','b','3'}, L3;
struct  struct4  foo4 = {'a','2','c','4'}, L4;
struct  struct5  foo5 = {'1','b','3','d','5'}, L5;
struct  struct6  foo6 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6'}, L6;
struct  struct7  foo7 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7'}, L7;
struct  struct8  foo8 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8'}, L8;
struct  struct9  foo9 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9'}, L9;
struct struct10 foo10 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A'}, L10;
struct struct11 foo11 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B'}, L11;
struct struct12 foo12 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C'}, L12;
struct struct13 foo13 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D'}, L13;
struct struct14 foo14 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C','m','E'}, L14;
struct struct15 foo15 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D','n','F'}, L15;
struct struct16 foo16 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C','m','E','o','G'}, L16;
struct struct17 foo17 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D','n','F','p','H'}, L17;

struct struct1  fun1()
  return foo1;  
struct struct2  fun2()
  return foo2;
struct struct3  fun3()
  return foo3;
struct struct4  fun4()
  return foo4;
struct struct5  fun5()
  return foo5;
struct struct6  fun6()
  return foo6;
struct struct7  fun7()
  return foo7;
struct struct8  fun8()
  return foo8;
struct struct9  fun9()
  return foo9;
struct struct10 fun10()
  return foo10; 
struct struct11 fun11()
  return foo11; 
struct struct12 fun12()
  return foo12; 
struct struct13 fun13()
  return foo13; 
struct struct14 fun14()
  return foo14; 
struct struct15 fun15()
  return foo15; 
struct struct16 fun16()
  return foo16; 
struct struct17 fun17()
  return foo17; 

void Fun1(struct struct1 foo1)
void Fun1(foo1)
     struct struct1 foo1;
  L1 = foo1;
void Fun2(struct struct2 foo2)
void Fun2(foo2)
     struct struct2 foo2;
  L2 = foo2;
void Fun3(struct struct3 foo3)
void Fun3(foo3)
     struct struct3 foo3;
  L3 = foo3;
void Fun4(struct struct4 foo4)
void Fun4(foo4)
     struct struct4 foo4;
  L4 = foo4;
void Fun5(struct struct5 foo5)
void Fun5(foo5)
     struct struct5 foo5;
  L5 = foo5;
void Fun6(struct struct6 foo6)
void Fun6(foo6)
     struct struct6 foo6;
  L6 = foo6;
void Fun7(struct struct7 foo7)
void Fun7(foo7)
     struct struct7 foo7;
  L7 = foo7;
void Fun8(struct struct8 foo8)
void Fun8(foo8)
     struct struct8 foo8;
  L8 = foo8;
void Fun9(struct struct9 foo9)
void Fun9(foo9)
     struct struct9 foo9;
  L9 = foo9;
void Fun10(struct struct10 foo10)
void Fun10(foo10)
     struct struct10 foo10;
  L10 = foo10; 
void Fun11(struct struct11 foo11)
void Fun11(foo11)
     struct struct11 foo11;
  L11 = foo11; 
void Fun12(struct struct12 foo12)
void Fun12(foo12)
     struct struct12 foo12;
  L12 = foo12; 
void Fun13(struct struct13 foo13)
void Fun13(foo13)
     struct struct13 foo13;
  L13 = foo13; 
void Fun14(struct struct14 foo14)
void Fun14(foo14)
     struct struct14 foo14;
  L14 = foo14; 
void Fun15(struct struct15 foo15)
void Fun15(foo15)
     struct struct15 foo15;
  L15 = foo15; 
void Fun16(struct struct16 foo16)
void Fun16(foo16)
     struct struct16 foo16;
  L16 = foo16; 
void Fun17(struct struct17 foo17)
void Fun17(foo17)
     struct struct17 foo17;
  L17 = foo17; 

int main()
#ifdef usestubs

  L1  = fun1();	
  L2  = fun2();	
  L3  = fun3();	
  L4  = fun4();	
  L5  = fun5();	
  L6  = fun6();	
  L7  = fun7();	
  L8  = fun8();	
  L9  = fun9();	
  L10 = fun10();
  L11 = fun11();
  L12 = fun12();
  L13 = fun13();
  L14 = fun14();
  L15 = fun15();
  L16 = fun16();
  L17 = fun17();

  foo1.a = foo2.a = foo3.a = foo4.a = foo5.a = foo6.a = foo7.a = foo8.a =
    foo9.a = foo10.a = foo11.a = foo12.a = foo13.a = foo14.a = foo15.a =
    foo16.a = foo17.a = '$';


  return 0;

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