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Re: RFA: mi: correct loop printing args or locals

> frame={level="3",args=[name="intarg",name="strarg",name="fltarg",name="fltarg"]}
> Note that `fltarg' appears twice.  This is because there is both a
> PSYM (parameter symbol) stab and an LSYM (local symbol) stab for
> `fltarg', which I'm pretty sure is the standard (and correct) STABS
> way to describe such functions.

I don't know about correct.  However it is standard.  Think of the 
number of times you've received a debug-info sorting patch that 
accidently re-ordered the stab info :-)

 > Anyway, the loop is clearly incorrect

> for blocks that contain a mix of arguments and non-arguments.

Yes, fine.  I take it you're having fun with the MI testsuite.
Feel free to just commit fixes to the other bugs you find.


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