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Re: [RFA]: Fix utils.c and printcmd.c for tui

> The following patch simplifies the tui portions in utils.c and printcmd.c
> by calling simple tui functions rather than having some tui specific code.
> I've not found a better solution (yet) to solve these tui dependencies in
> gdb common code.

FYI, while the patches are in David's area, I think there is a strong 
argument for them being ``obvious''.

As for a better way?

For disassembly and registers, say there was a function like:

	libgdb_disassemble_...(ui-out, ....)

that you could call.  It would just return the asembly output you need. 
  Similar for registers.

Regarding the pager, yes, um er.  One theory is that pageable output 
goes to gdb_stdout while non-pageable output is sent to gdb_stderr and 


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