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David Deephanphongs wrote:
> There appears to be a stale FIXME in main.c - it warns about the
> argument after the program-name (corearg):
>   /* FIXME: The documentation says this can be a "ProcID". as well. */
> GDB /does/ treat the corearg as a PID, though.
> First it tries to open corearg as a core-file.  If that fails, it attempts
> to use it as a PID (main.c:615-623).

Yes, and I use it all the time to debug gdb with gdb.  That was a badly worded FIXME text.   It was supposed to say that we should not be overloading variables and filling them with something that is not related to its name -- 4 bytes is a small price to pay for clarity IMO.

I still would like to keep a note there that saying that corearg may be a PID and not a core file name. Something like:

	  /* COREARG can be the name of a core file or
             the "ProcID" of a process we should attach to. */

Can you submit your patch with the replacement text?  I will ask permission to Elena and check it in.

Thanks for the catch.

Fernando Nasser
Red Hat - Toronto                       E-Mail:
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario   M4P 2C9

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