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Re: Stepping over signals, in state "detaching" did not handle handleStoppedEvent SIGTRAP(5)

I suspect that this:

// System.err.println("BreakPoint.addedTo");
- ((Task) observable).requestDeleteInstructionObserver(this.steppingEngine.getSteppingObserver());
+ Task task = (Task) observable;
+ this.steppingEngine.requestRemoveSteppingObserver(task);

is likely at least part of the problem - I see it's also pre-existing code. Breakpoints shouldn't be rooting around in the stepping engine.

+ + public void stepOverSignal(Task task) {
+ DebugInfoFrame frame = DebugInfoStackFactory
+ .createDebugInfoStackTrace(task);
+ long address = frame.getAddress();
+ fine.log(this, "Looking for address: 0x", Long.toHexString(address), "Line #: ", frame.getLine().getLine());
+ TaskStepEngine tse = (TaskStepEngine) this.taskStateMap.get(task);
+ tse.setState(new StepOutState(task));
+ this.steppingObserver.notifyNotBlocked(tse);
+ int i = ((Integer) this.contextMap.get(task.getProc())).intValue();
+ this.contextMap.put(task.getProc(), new Integer(++i));

what I believe is happening is that this code:
+	this.breakpoint = new SteppingBreakpoint(this, address);

is removing the stepping-engine's observer before this:

+	this.breakpointMap.put(task, this.breakpoint);
+	task.requestAddCodeObserver(this.breakpoint, address);

has had a chance to install the breakpoint.

A better sequence is:

-> create breakpoint
-> request add breakpoint
-> request remove stepping observer

I believe Teresa was also looking at this.


PS: Can the test-case be changed to assembler? As C it is going to run into portability problems.

+ }

Nurdin Premji wrote:
Here is current work on stepping over a signal, the race condition involved is:
inside frysk-core:

./TestRunner -debug frysk.stepping.SteppingEngine=FINE frysk.stepping.TestStepping.testStepOverSignal

There was 1 error:
1) testStepOverSignal(frysk.stepping.TestStepping)java.lang.RuntimeException: {,pid=29497,tid=29497,state=detaching} in state "detaching" did not handle handleStoppedEvent SIGTRAP(5)
at frysk.sys.Wait.wait(TestRunner)
at frysk.sys.Wait.wait(TestRunner)
at frysk.event.WaitEventLoop.block(TestRunner)
at frysk.event.EventLoop.runEventLoop(TestRunner)
at frysk.event.EventLoop.runPolling(TestRunner)
at frysk.testbed.TestLib.assertRunUntilStop(TestRunner)
at frysk.testbed.TestLib.assertRunUntilStop(TestRunner)
at frysk.stepping.TestStepping.testStepOverSignal(TestRunner)
at frysk.junit.Runner.runCases(TestRunner)
at frysk.junit.Runner.runTestCases(TestRunner)
at TestRunner.main(TestRunner)

happens quite frequently but every once in a while get a pass

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