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Re: frysk git repository


On Fri, 2007-10-26 at 14:38 -0400, Sami Wagiaalla wrote:
> > There is never too much information!
> Its not too much information but it might be too big in size.
> If that is not an issue then I would like to see the patches
> in the email as well. Having them inlined in the email it self
> and not as attachments would be best.

Yes. For Mercurial I would use something like the following:

        incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
        sources = serve push pull bundle
        maxdiff = 500
        [usersubs] = /hg/fedora
        host = localhost

Which makes sure emails are send (by the notify extension), but diffs
are capped at 500 lines max (and then you get a link to the hg webrepo
to retrieve the full diff of the changeset). Hopefully there is
something similar for git.



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