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Re: ISA checks for factories

Andrew Cagney wrote:

There is now also:
ISA isa = task.getISA()
which returns a frysk.isa.ISA, which looks smells and behaves like an ENUM. This new ISA just the following attributes:
- family (i386, x8664, PPC)
- word size (4, 8)
- byte order (little, big)
leading to the combinations: IA32, X8664, PPC32LE, PPC32BE, PPC64LE, PPC64BE.

Ok that makes sense, I got that from the original email, but ...

or better?:

  ISAMap map = new ISAMap("why am I here")
      .put(ISA.IA32, new My(IA32))
      .put(ISA.X8664, new My(X8664))
      // Throws a RuntimeException if ISA missing
      My o = (My) map.get(task.getISA);

I'm still a little fuzzy on how it can be used to detected IA 32 on 64, or PPC32 On 64?



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