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toPrint vs toString

toString(): for dumping internal object state

Just a reminder; Java's Object class includes a <<public String toString()>> method that can be overridden (by default it prints the object's address and type) to dump out an objects internal state. That way, when printing or tracing this method is called vis:

   System.out.println("my " + task); // uses Task.toString
   logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0} task\n", task); // ditto

and debugging level information is provided. However, within frysk, toString() or variations shouldn't be used when creating output intended for the user.

toPrint(): for displaying an object user friendly

If the output is intended for the user, the add a toPrint() method and use that. There are two variations. The first sends the output to a Writer vis:

public void toPrint(PrintWriter writer) ... writer.print ...

and the second, if you find it necessary, just wraps the first vis:

   public void toPrint()
       stringWriter = new StringBuffer()
       printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter)
       return stringWriter.toString();

For instance, frysk.value.Value as methods such as:

public void toPrint(PrintWriter writer, ByteBuffer memory, Format format)
public String toPrint() { ... see above ... }

for converting a value in to a user-readable form.

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