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Re: Some trouble writing a testcase

Adam Jocksch wrote:
Ok, I'm trying to write a simple testcase for the newly created Display class and I'm uncovering some of the rust that's built up over that last few months :P. Essentially the test I want to create consists of having a program:

 int x;
 x = 1; *
 x = 2; **

Then creating breakpoints at the two lines marked by * and ** and then printing out the variable values (via Display) at those two points. Right now I'm using AttachedDaemonProcess to create a proc that's attached and blocked at the first address of the program. However I'm having some difficulties find the right sequence of calls to add the breakpoints. Currently I'm trying LineBreakoint.addLineBreakpoint() and then adding my own delegate observer to pick up on the calls. Is this correct, or is there something else I should be doing?
I've attached the test case as it currently stands. It currently times out at the assertRunUntilStop("adding bp") on line 91. I also noticed that the addedTo/deletedFrom/addFailed messages are not being forwarded to the observer delegate. I added this to my local build but it didnt' change anything.
// This file is part of the program FRYSK.
// Copyright 2007, Red Hat Inc.
// FRYSK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
// FRYSK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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package frysk.rt;

import frysk.Config;
import frysk.proc.Manager;
import frysk.proc.Task;
import frysk.proc.TestLib;
import frysk.rt.Breakpoint.PersistentBreakpoint;

public class TestDisplay
    extends TestLib
  public void testVarValueChanged()
    AttachedDaemonProcess process = 
      	new AttachedDaemonProcess(new String[]{getExecPath("funit-rt-varchange")});
    LineBreakpoint brk1 = 
    brk1.setObserverDelegate(new BreakpointObserver()
      public void deletedFrom (Object observable)
	System.err.println("bp deleted");
      public void addedTo (Object observable)
      public void addFailed (Object observable, Throwable w)
      public void updateHit (PersistentBreakpoint breakpoint, Task task,
    			 long address)
	System.err.println("breakpoint at " + address);
    assertRunUntilStop("adding bp");

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