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minutes 20070502

Sami, Rick: Please integrate with screenshots.

Elena, Sami, Andrew, Rick, Stan, Nurdin

No vnc viewer, no visual. 

Conversation btw Sami/Andrew hard to follow. Rick talked about source
window changes. Post new screenshots please.

Demo on IRC of the bitfields from Stan:


flags.uc = 0xFF;flags.u1 = 0x1;flags.u2 = 0x3;flags.u3 = 0x7;flags.u9 = 0x1FF;

(fhpd) what flags
extern {byte uc;int s1;int u1;int s2;int u2;int s3;int u3;int s9;int u9;byte sc;} at /home/scox/accu/bugs/4228/4228.c#32

(fhpd) print flags


struct {class_t c1; class_t c2;} class_2 = {{1.0,1},{2.0,2}}; <-- source code

(fhpd) what class_2
{{double double_1;int int_1;} c1;{double double_1;int int_1;} c2;} at /home/scox/accu/src/hpd.c#160

(fhpd) print class_2


class_t classes[] = {{1.0,1},{2.0,2},{3.0,3},{4.0,4}}; <-- source code

(fhpd) what classes
{double double_1;int int_1;} [3] at /home/scox/accu/src/hpd.c#159

(fhpd) print classes


struct {int arr [2][2];} class_3 = {{{1,2},{3,4}}}; <-- source code

(fhpd) what class_3
{int [2,2] arr;} at /home/scox/accu/src/hpd.c#161

(fhpd) print class_3

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