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Re: minutes ui meeting 20070321

Observers: Andrew and Sami discussed (private discussion) that the
observers/process picker workflows need to be simplified.
Also discussed here:
Was the design reviewed on the list? Not yet. Please post the ideas for
everybody to understand.
The suggestion is:

Gobalizing Observers over the entire session. This means having a global list of observers which watch all procs/threads in the current session, and allowing the user to choose which ones are on/off. Changes would then be a customization of the observers. This means eliminating the metaphor that observers are added to procs/threads of course. It also has some performance implications.

From the meeting:
- By selecting which processes belong in a session the user has already declared which processes should be observed.
- The user still has the option of filtering away unwanted observations, by adding a filter which specifies which executable (process?) he/she is interested in.

The bug has been marked as waiting for feed back. Feel free to comment, object, or add to it :)

 Sami Wagiaalla

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