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minutes 2007-01-30

-All f* commands should have a man page and each command should pass its
tests (nurdin)

-test with breakpoints and setjmp/longjmp works with FC5 2.6.17 kernel
-crash if stepping into and past a breakpoint
 pc is on a trap instruction (breakpoint)
 do a single step with no signal (signal 0)
 -if signal is delivered then it works
 get a sigtrap
 pc is at trap + 1
 do signal delivery
 do a step then Crash
-related to signal delivery problem?

High Level Breakpoints (timoore)
-Inline functions
 -given function/line should return multiple addresses
 -.debug_info describe where an inlining occurred
 -.debug_line describes everywhere that has valid code for that line
   -gives you range of addresses for that line
   -can describe with a single address or a range
 -use case multiple invocations of small inline function on the same
-timoore in Westford next week

Core File Analysis (pmuldoon)
-Look at abstract hosts class, call it "deadhost", and make it work
for deadprocs from core files
-Should there be a builder which would iterate over all the sections
of the corefile?

Window and session manager
-continue refactoring (mcvet)

-requires using native code (sami)
-necessary if event viewer will use dogtail testing
-perhaps the event viewer can be unit tested outside of frysk

Symbol Table Lookup (nurdin)
-Changing stack frame code to use libelf instead of libunwind's home
grown version for elf symbol searching

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