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Re: Announcing new interface for adding observers to a task.

Hi Nurdin,

I'm having trouble following this. Is what you're _proposing_ is as follows? Given:

class Foo
 implements TaskObserver.Instruction, TaskObserver.Syscall
 <does stuff>
foo = new Foo ();

then instead of:

  task.requestAddInstructionObserver (foo);
  ,... and then later ...
  task.requestAddSyscallObserver (foo);

then the message:

task.requestAddObserver (foo);

will automatically and immediately add both?

The current interface was chosen because it was very explicit, and easier to control, and besides it avoided instanceOf (which tends to suggest a need for polymorphism). Your alternative may be better, however, I'm very itnerested in first hearing from some more hard-core Java developers as to what is preferred here.

Can you create a branch, and commit your change there? That way there's no immediate pressure to get the change in while ensuring that it isn't lost.


Nurdin Premji wrote:
I have condensed all the observables in Task to a single observable with
methods inside of TaskObservable to get iterators and counts of
observers of a specific type.

The way this was implemented was inside the TaskObservable class.
Previously this was a simple extension to the observable class, but now
it has been expanded to have methods: iterator(Class) and numberOfObservers(Class). The iterator() method creates an iterator that goes through the
observables set of observers returning any observer that implements the
given class using the dynamic class method Class.isInstance(Object o).
The numberOfObservers() method uses iterator() and a counter to find how
many observers implement that class.

This means that adding an observer should be done with the
task.requestAddTaskObserver() method rather than what were previously
requestAddAttachedObserver, requestAddTerminatingObserver etc.

requestAddCodeObserver, requestAddSyscallObserver and
requestAddInstructionObserver have been kept as they pass some arguments
that are a little different than the standard add.

This also means a little bit of behaviour has changed. Once you add an
observer to a task, it is added as all of its interfaces, not just as
the interface specified (since now we don't specify the interface.)

A few test cases used the attachedObserver interface in order to cause
certain behaviour, like having the addedTo method called multiple times.
This will no longer work and a second observer has been created in those
test cases. To get the same behaviour a sub class was created that
implements the TaskObserver.Attached and that is added and deleted on
demand rather than the major class. (The major class no longer has to
inherit the Attached interface).

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