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Re: fc6 frysk-core failures.


The reason the test hangs is because the various Signal.kill (pid,
Sig.KILL); Signal.kill (pid, Sig.CONT); and Ptrace.detach (pid,
Sig.KILL); aren't actually managing to kill, detach, or otherwise make
all the processes go away.  I wired up the following "while
(!children.isEmpty()) {}" code to see what's actually happening in the
waitAll() and all it's getting is "stopped()"--disappeared() never
happens.  Since disappeared() never happens, children.remove(new
Integer(pid)); never happens so (!children.isEmpty()) never goes false
so after everything there is to wait for has happened a final waitAll()
never returns.

I've got a queue of kids outside my office demanding dinner, so I'll
poke at this some more later.


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