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Re: Register window workflow / potential advanced features

Andrew Cagney wrote:
Adam Jocksch wrote:
Adam Jocksch wrote:
The register window has been updated, and I've updated the frysk website to include a workflow for the register window:
Looking at this image:
for the default case, where the byte order matches what is natural for the inferior, I don't think users will be interested in and may even be puzzled by the explicit (LE) or (BE) suffix. One possible way around this is to have three options: Hex; B.E. Hex; L.E. Hex. With hover-help clarifying the difference? I'm not sure.

Another advanced feature is to consider how these selections interact with different ISA's (Instruction Set Architectures). If there's a "Hex" (Natural Byte Order) then that selection can be applied to all architectures.

It's also good that you've avoided the mistake of having a BE vs LE toggle switch. In the real world, there's a weird and wonderful continuum between the two extreems(1). While we'll hopefully never have to handle those variants, as you've done, we don't want to assume that BE and LE are the only alternatives.


(1) For instance, little byte, big word.
I like the idea of having a default which corresponds to whatever the natural byte order is of the particular architechture. That will of course lead to some redundancy (i.e. LE natural order and the LE formats both displayed), but that seems to be more of a user concern.

The idea of there being more complex formats really is something that needs to be looked at as this window progresses, as there are a lot of common issues between vector formatted registers, the idea of showing/interpreting status bits, and the examples you just mentioned.

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