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Re: web page re-org

On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 23:26 -0500, Wu Zhou wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Phil Muldoon wrote:
> > 
> > > first, how to add user-specified action to these observers?  I had some 
> > > looks, but don't figure out how.
> > 
> > I guess it depends on what is meant by user-specified. Do you mean,
> > create your own custom action (Call a pager, run a script, do something
> > else custom the user wants to do?) Or, add an already  defined system
> > action (send to time-line widget for plotting, send to a log-file and so
> > on?)
> IMHO, it will be good to support both.  The former might be somewhat 
> advanced requirement, which maybe more complex, and more resource-demanding 
> too.  The latter is basic requirement I believe.  I also want to add that 
> a debugger automatically attached as a alternative action, just as what 
> valgrind provides.

Yep! That is the plan, to add both a stock list of "system defined"
actions, and also allow the user to define what happens when an event
occurs in a richer, more custom model.

> > If it is the former, then that is yet undefined. How do we run a user
> > specified action? Do we allow them to run an executable? Run a shell
> > script? Do some scripting? This area is very much a blank slate right
> > now. What do you think? Do you have any opinions on this? All input is
> > very much wanted, and appreciated! ;)
> OK.  That is really hard to say.  Maybe we can provide a normal mode 
> action, which mainly do some restricted and carefully defined stuff.  And 
> also provide a expert or guru or experiemental mode, which can do much 
> free action as the user like.

Yes, for sure. The user defined action (As in do something via a script,
executable, something else) is a tricky concept. Questions like, do we
have security concerns? Should we allow further scripting (perhaps even
via jython to do some further core based actions)? How do we abstract
(As you well point out, from the guru mode to the basic and restricted
stuff)?. These are some of the questions facing us in the six month
time-frame. So input is great here, as it is still up for discussion in
these areas. Any opinion or input is welcome.

> Just my two cents anyway.  Don't have much serious thought on them yet. 
> :-)

Thanks for the input. I love to see it, and welcome any further thoughts
on the line; post them to the list if you have anything else on the

Many Regards


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