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Re: dwfl_module_getsym vs. prelink

On Thu, 2013-11-14 at 16:00 -0800, Josh Stone wrote:
> On IRC, I mentioned to Mark some bias issues I was having with values
> from dwfl_module_getsym, and I promised a smaller reproducer than using
> systemtap, so here's my attempt to recreate it with test code that
> already exists in elfutils.

Thanks for this.

Just for reference, what dwfl_module_getsymtab()/dwfl_module_getsym ()
gets you is the symbol table and symbols for the Dwfl_Module. This can
either be the full symtab from the either the main elf file or the
separate debug file. Or the minimal .dynsym table (always from the main
file), possibly augmented by the minisymtab table from the aux file (the
compressed .gnu_debugdata embedded elf file). In all cases the symbol
table is always presented as a normal symtab table (first zero entry,
locals before globals). And for symbols referring to allocated sections
the st_value is adjusted to the Dwfl_Module address range inside the
Dwfl. This makes it easy to get relative addresses for such symbols
through dwfl_module_relocate_address() or to find the symbol associated
with a particular address in a module with dwfl_module_addrsym().

prelinking makes some if this slightly tricky, and maybe you found a
bug, we will see below. A shared library (ET_DYN) that is prelinked has
its p_vaddr set (see eu-readelf -l) just like a normal executable
(ET_EXEC), as a hint to the shared library loader where to load the .so
in memory so no relocations are necessary. Which also means the symbol
values that refer to allocated sections don't have to be adjusted for
that load address. But prelinking occurs on on the main elf file only,
the separate debug or aux file might be "out of sync", so symbols coming
from different files might need different adjustment to match the Dwfl
load address of the Dwfl_Module they come from.

Note that we are currently having a discussion precisely about these
functions because although the symbols might come from different files
and the symbols do refer to a particular section, the user cannot easily
determine which Elf file (main, debug or aux) they really came from
(a .debug file as more sections which might be differently ordered from
the main elf file). Especially since the full .symtab might be inside
either the main elf or the separate .debug file. So we are debating
whether to drop the whole section reference from the symbol or adding a
reference to the Elf file (and bias).

> The problem I'm having surrounds gnu_debugdata, and tests/dwflsyms
> already covers this scenario with testfilebazmdb and testfilebazmin.  So
> let's experiment with prelinking these.
> Note, I extracted all testfilebaz* in my working directory, mainly to
> make sure the .debug was also available.  I'm also grepping output to
> reduce how long this email gets. :)

Lets make the email a little longer :) Adding and comparing with the
p_vaddr (eu-readelf -l) and original symbol tables (eu-readelf -s

You are using tests/dwflsyms which simply a dwfl_module_getsymtab() and
iterates over all symbols with dwfl_module_getsym() and prints the
symbol values returned. It then also asserts that for function symbols
dwfl_module_addrsym() for the given st_value provides the same symbol.
Lets extend it a little so we also print out the relative address:

diff --git a/tests/dwflsyms.c b/tests/dwflsyms.c
index cae3fbe..55f2653 100644
--- a/tests/dwflsyms.c
+++ b/tests/dwflsyms.c
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ list_syms (struct Dwfl_Module *mod,
       GElf_Sym sym;
       GElf_Word shndxp;
       const char *name = dwfl_module_getsym (mod, ndx, &sym, &shndxp);
-      printf("%4d: %s\t%s\t%s (%" PRIu64 ") %#" PRIx64 "\n",
+      printf("%4d: %s\t%s\t%s (%" PRIu64 ") %#" PRIx64,
 	     ndx, gelf_type (&sym), gelf_bind (&sym), name,
 	     sym.st_size, sym.st_value);
@@ -97,7 +97,12 @@ list_syms (struct Dwfl_Module *mod,
 	  GElf_Word ashndxp;
 	  const char *aname = dwfl_module_addrsym (mod, addr, &asym, &ashndxp);
 	  assert (strcmp (name, aname) == 0);
+	  int res = dwfl_module_relocate_address (mod, &addr);
+	  assert (res != -1);
+	  printf(", rel: %#" PRIx64 "", addr);
+      printf ("\n");
   return DWARF_CB_OK;

> First testfilebazmdb (dynsym + gnu_debugdata + .debug):
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >   45: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x814
> >   58: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x828
> >   70: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x7f0

This one of the simpler situations, we get all symbols from the
full .symtab and both have the same load address. All values already are
relative (zero based).
$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmdb | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazdbg.debug | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazdbg.debug | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   45: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   58: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
   70: 00000000000007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
  45: FUNC LOCAL foo (20) 0x814, rel: 0x814
  58: FUNC GLOBAL bar (44) 0x828, rel: 0x828
  70: FUNC GLOBAL main (35) 0x7f0, rel: 0x7f0

> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -N testfilebazmdb
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >   45: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x3005800814
> >   58: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x3005800828
> >   70: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x30058007f0

$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmdb | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000003000000000 0x0000003000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazdbg.debug | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazdbg.debug | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   45: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   58: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
   70: 00000000000007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
  45: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x3000000814, rel: 0x814
  58: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x3000000828, rel: 0x828
  70: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x30000007f0, rel: 0x7f0

Relative addresses and st_values do make sense.

> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -u testfilebazmdb
> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -r 0x70000000 testfilebazmdb
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >   45: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x70000814
> >   58: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x70000828
> >   70: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x700007f0
> This all looks fine; all three functions move around together.

$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmdb | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000070000000 0x0000000070000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazdbg.debug | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazdbg.debug | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   45: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   58: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
   70: 00000000000007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmdb | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
  45: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x70000814, rel: 0x814
  58: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x70000828, rel: 0x828
  70: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x700007f0, rel: 0x7f0

And again the relative addresses look fine.

> Now testfilebazmin (dynsym + gnu_debugdata)
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >    6: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (18) 0x400498
> >   42: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x7f0
> >   45: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x4004aa
> Already a bad start - foo/bar look like symbols that would belong in
> ET_EXEC (which indeed the embedded gnu_debugdata really is).  I would
> not expect that to show up in the main file getsym list, even though
> is asserting this output.
> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -N testfilebazmin
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >   12: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x30058007f0
> Here we completely lost foo/bar!
> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -u testfilebazmin
> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -r 0x70000000 testfilebazmin
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >    6: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (18) 0x400498
> >   42: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x700007f0
> >   45: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x4004aa
> Ok, foo/bar came back but still refuse to relocate with main.
> I would expect testfilebazmdb and testfilebazmin to behave the same way.
>  Even if the latter's symbol tables are less complete, the symbols that
> are presented ought to be consistent in their base offset, so any can be
> used with dwfl_module_relocate_address.
> The ET_EXEC gnu_debugdata in both bazmdb and bazmin is suspicious.  I
> followed your directions to generate all these testfilebaz* on Fedora
> 19, and I got ET_DYN gnu_debugdata.  The symbols are also the same size
> and location in my bazmdb and bazmin, whereas you can see above the test
> files in elfutils.git are not.

Indeed. This is embarrassing. It looks like the test files as checked
into git (plus the expected output!) are just bad. It is curious how
that happened because following the instructions to recreate these files
in tests/ does produce a correctly embedded
gnu_debugdata. I'll fix this and double check the expected output.
Thanks for catching this and sorry for the mess :{

> Repeating my prelink sequence on these new binaries, bazmdb still looks
> good, and now bazmin looks like this:
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >    8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x75c
> >   47: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (40) 0x770
> >   51: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x738

$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmin | grep LOAD | head -1  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   12: 00000000000007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ eu-readelf --elf-section -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
    7: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   36: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x814, rel: 0x814
  47: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x7f0, rel: 0x7f0
  49: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x828, rel: 0x828

So indeed the corrected one does look good.

> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -N testfilebazmin
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >    8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x300580075c
> >   47: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (40) 0x3005800770
> >   51: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x3005800738

$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmin | grep LOAD | head -1
  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000003000000000 0x0000003000000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   12: 00000030000007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ eu-readelf --elf-section -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
    7: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   36: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x3000000814, rel: 0x814
  47: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x30000007f0, rel: 0x7f0
  49: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x3000000828, rel: 0x828

That indeed looks also as expected, the aux symbols values are adjusted
to the new base address.

> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -u testfilebazmin
> > $ /usr/sbin/prelink -r 0x70000000 testfilebazmin
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
> >    8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x75c
> >   47: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (40) 0x770
> >   51: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x738
> Normal prelink is better here, but now prelink -r didn't actually appear
> to move any of foo, bar, or main!?! 

$ eu-readelf -l testfilebazmin | grep LOAD | head -1  LOAD           0x000000 0x0000000070000000 0x0000000070000000 0x000a5c 0x000a5c R E 0x200000
$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   12: 00000000700007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
$ eu-readelf --elf-section -s testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
    7: 0000000000000814     20 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT       13 foo
   36: 0000000000000828     44 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 bar
$ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin | grep -w FUNC | grep -wE 'main|foo|bar'
   8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x814, rel: 0xffffffff90000814
  47: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x700007f0, rel: 0x7f0
  49: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (44) 0x828, rel: 0xffffffff90000828

OK, that is definitely a bug. But I cannot immediately explain why it
worked fine in the -N case and not in the -r case. Except for the
specific load address there should be no difference.

>  However, this grep is too tight,
> because some a few symbols did report moved, like _end.  I'll end with
> that full output:
> > $ ./dwflsyms -e testfilebazmin 
> >    0: NOTYPE	LOCAL	 (0) 0
> >    1: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x70000238
> >    2: FUNC	LOCAL	deregister_tm_clones (0) 0x650
> >    3: FUNC	LOCAL	register_tm_clones (0) 0x680
> >    4: FUNC	LOCAL	__do_global_dtors_aux (0) 0x6c0
> >    5: OBJECT	LOCAL	__do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry (0) 0x200df0
> >    6: FUNC	LOCAL	frame_dummy (0) 0x700
> >    7: OBJECT	LOCAL	__frame_dummy_init_array_entry (0) 0x200de8
> >    8: FUNC	LOCAL	foo (20) 0x75c
> >    9: NOTYPE	LOCAL	__init_array_end (0) 0x200df0
> >   10: NOTYPE	LOCAL	__init_array_start (0) 0x200de8
> >   11: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x238
> >   12: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x254
> >   13: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x274
> >   14: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x298
> >   15: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x2c8
> >   16: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x3d0
> >   17: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x47a
> >   18: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x490
> >   19: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x4b0
> >   20: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x570
> >   21: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x5b8
> >   22: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x5e0
> >   23: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x620
> >   24: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x814
> >   25: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x820
> >   26: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x824
> >   27: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x868
> >   28: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200de8
> >   29: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200df0
> >   30: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200df8
> >   31: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200e00
> >   32: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200e08
> >   33: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x200fd8
> >   34: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x201000
> >   35: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x201030
> >   36: SECTION	LOCAL	 (0) 0x20103c
> >   37: NOTYPE	WEAK	_ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable (0) 0
> >   38: FUNC	GLOBAL	__libc_start_main (0) 0
> >   39: NOTYPE	WEAK	__gmon_start__ (0) 0
> >   40: NOTYPE	WEAK	_Jv_RegisterClasses (0) 0
> >   41: NOTYPE	WEAK	_ITM_registerTMCloneTable (0) 0
> >   42: FUNC	WEAK	__cxa_finalize (0) 0
> >   43: NOTYPE	GLOBAL	_edata (0) 0x7020103c
> >   44: NOTYPE	GLOBAL	_end (0) 0x70201040
> >   45: NOTYPE	GLOBAL	__bss_start (0) 0x7020103c
> >   46: FUNC	GLOBAL	__libc_csu_fini (2) 0x810
> >   47: FUNC	GLOBAL	bar (40) 0x770
> >   48: FUNC	GLOBAL	_fini (0) 0x814
> >   49: FUNC	GLOBAL	__libc_csu_init (101) 0x7a0
> >   50: FUNC	GLOBAL	_start (0) 0x620
> >   51: FUNC	GLOBAL	main (35) 0x738
> >   52: FUNC	GLOBAL	_init (0) 0x5b8

It looks like those came directly from the .dynsym (and so didn't need
any adjustment):

$ eu-readelf -s testfilebazmin

Symbol table [ 5] '.dynsym' contains 14 entries:
 2 local symbols  String table: [ 6] '.dynstr'
  Num:            Value   Size Type    Bind   Vis          Ndx Name
    0: 0000000000000000      0 NOTYPE  LOCAL  DEFAULT    UNDEF 
    1: 0000000070000238      0 SECTION LOCAL  DEFAULT        1 
    2: 0000000000000000      0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT    UNDEF _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
    3: 0000000000000000      0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    UNDEF __libc_start_main(a)GLIBC_2.2.5 (2)
    4: 0000000000000000      0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT    UNDEF __gmon_start__
    5: 0000000000000000      0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT    UNDEF _Jv_RegisterClasses
    6: 0000000000000000      0 NOTYPE  WEAK   DEFAULT    UNDEF _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
    7: 0000000000000000      0 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    UNDEF __cxa_finalize(a)GLIBC_2.2.5 (2)
    8: 000000007020103c      0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT       25 _edata
    9: 0000000070201040      0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT       26 _end
   10: 0000000070000860    137 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 __libc_csu_init
   11: 000000007020103c      0 NOTYPE  GLOBAL DEFAULT       26 __bss_start
   12: 00000000700007f0     35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 main
   13: 00000000700008f0      2 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT       13 __libc_csu_fini

I'll try and find the bug.



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