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ARM vectors.S - bug?

// Call thumb function from ARM mode, return to ARM
// mode afterwards
#define THUMB_CALL(_r_, _l_, _f_)                \
       ldr     _r_,=_f_+1                      ;\
       mov     lr,pc                           ;\
       bx      _r_                             ;\
       .pool                                   ;\
       .code   16                              ;\
       .thumb_func                             ;\
       ldr     _r_,=_l_  ## f                  ;\
       bx      _r_                             ;\
       .pool                                   ;\
       .code   32                              ;\

What about the first .pool ? Looks like the wrong return address could be linked, depending on how much is pooled there. Removing the .pool worked for me.


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