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Re: Insight 5.0 fails under Win98


i have a working distribution for the arm-tool-chain and insight 5.0 running
under Win98 and 95. I have derived it from the july sources of insight and
applied the two patches below manually because they don't run automatically.
I have also done a patch at the function find_iwidgets_library at util.tcl
from gdbtcl. Try to apply the changes and let me know if all works for you.
I also offer a cd-rom with this distribution. If you are interested in it -
let me know. I send this e-mail without an attachement - beware of the

Ciao, Siegfried

gdbrdi-stop.patch :

diff -Naur insight-5.0/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c
--- insight-5.0/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c Mon Jan 17 18:54:36 2000
+++ insight-5.0-mod/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.c Thu Aug 24 13:09:01 2000
@@ -396,6 +396,7 @@

 static bool boot_interrupted = FALSE;
 static volatile bool interrupt_request = FALSE;
+static volatile bool stop_request = FALSE;

 static void ardi_sigint_handler(int sig) {
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -1343,10 +1344,16 @@
                                     Packet *packet );

+void angel_RDI_stop_request(void)
+  stop_request = 1;
 /* Core functionality for execute and step */
 static int angel_RDI_ExecuteOrStep(PointHandle *handle, word type,
                                    unsigned ninstr)
+  extern int (*ui_loop_hook) (int);
   int err;
   adp_stopped_struct stopped_info;
   void* stateptr = (void *)&stopped_info;
@@ -1401,15 +1408,22 @@
   angel_DebugPrint("Waiting for program to finish...\n");

+  interrupt_request = FALSE;
+  stop_request = FALSE;
   signal(SIGINT, ardi_sigint_handler);
   while( executing )
-      if (interrupt_request)
+    if (ui_loop_hook)
+      ui_loop_hook(0);
+    if (interrupt_request || stop_request)
         interrupt_request = FALSE;
+        stop_request = FALSE;
-      Adp_AsynchronousProcessing( async_block_on_nothing );
+    Adp_AsynchronousProcessing( async_block_on_nothing );
   signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

diff -Naur insight-5.0/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.h
--- insight-5.0/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.h Thu Apr 15 20:34:27 1999
+++ insight-5.0-mod/gdb/rdi-share/ardi.h Thu Aug 24 12:47:30 2000
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@

 int angel_RDI_execute(PointHandle *handle);

+void angel_RDI_stop_request(void);
 int angel_RDI_step(unsigned ninstr, PointHandle *handle);

 int angel_RDI_info(unsigned type, ARMword *arg1, ARMword *arg2);
diff -Naur insight-5.0/gdb/remote-rdi.c insight-5.0-mod/gdb/remote-rdi.c
--- insight-5.0/gdb/remote-rdi.c Wed Mar  1 05:25:51 2000
+++ insight-5.0-mod/gdb/remote-rdi.c Fri Aug 25 10:44:03 2000
@@ -972,6 +972,12 @@
+static void arm_rdi_stop(void)
+  angel_RDI_stop_request();
 /* Define the target operations structure.  */

@@ -987,6 +993,7 @@
   arm_rdi_ops.to_detach = arm_rdi_detach;
   arm_rdi_ops.to_resume = arm_rdi_resume;
   arm_rdi_ops.to_wait = arm_rdi_wait;
+  arm_rdi_ops.to_stop = arm_rdi_stop;
   arm_rdi_ops.to_fetch_registers = arm_rdi_fetch_registers;
   arm_rdi_ops.to_store_registers = arm_rdi_store_registers;
   arm_rdi_ops.to_prepare_to_store = arm_rdi_prepare_to_store;

gdbtk-ignore-sigint.patch :
--- insight-5.0/gdb/gdbtk/library/interface.tcl Mon Mar 27 19:59:39 2000
+++ insight-5.0-mod/gdb/gdbtk/library/interface.tcl Thu Aug 24 14:21:30 2000
@@ -1423,13 +1423,15 @@

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 proc gdbtk_signal {name {longname ""}} {
   dbug W "caught signal $name $longname"
-  set longname
-  set message "Program received signal $name, $longname"
-  set srcs [ManagedWin::find SrcWin]
-  foreach w $srcs {
-    $w set_status $message
+  if {$name != "SIGINT"} {
+    set longname
+    set message "Program received signal $name, $longname"
+    set srcs [ManagedWin::find SrcWin]
+    foreach w $srcs {
+      $w set_status $message
+    }
+    gdbtk_tcl_ignorable_warning signal $message
-  gdbtk_tcl_ignorable_warning signal $message
   update idletasks

gdbtk-sourcepath.patch :

--- insight-5.0/tcl/generic/tclFileName.c Mon Nov  8 19:28:43 1999
+++ insight-5.0-mod/tcl/generic/tclFileName.c Thu Aug 24 14:35:57 2000
@@ -920,6 +920,12 @@
      * not even be initialized. */
     register char *p;
+#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
+    char dos_name[PATH_MAX];
+    cygwin_conv_to_win32_path(name,dos_name);
+    name = dos_name;

      * Handle tilde substitutions, if needed.

util-c-patch (just copy it into the file !) :

proc find_iwidgets_library {} {

  set IwidgetsOK 1

  if {[catch {package require Iwidgets 3.0} errMsg]} {

    # OK, we are not installed or this would have succeeded...
    # Lets try to do it by hand:
    set IwidgetsOK 0

#   set iwidgetsSrcDir [glob -nocomplain [file join \
#         [file dirname [file dirname $::tcl_library]] \
#         itcl iwidgets*]]

   set iwidgetsSrcDir [glob -nocomplain [file join \
         [file dirname $::tcl_library] \

    # Canonicalize the executable's directory name.  It turns out that on
    # info nameofexecutable returns /foo/bar/real_dir/./gdb when gdb is
launched from
    # another gdb session, so we have to fix this up.

    set exec_name [info nameofexecutable]
    set curdir [pwd]

    if {[string compare [file type $exec_name] "link"] == 0} {
      set exec_name [file readlink $exec_name]
      if {[string compare [file pathtype $exec_name] "relative"] == 0} {
 set exec_name [file join [pwd] $exec_name]

    cd [file dirname $exec_name]
    set exec_name [pwd]
    cd $curdir

#    set iwidgetsBuildDir [glob -nocomplain [file join \
#           [file dirname $exec_name] \
#           itcl iwidgets*]]

    set iwidgetsBuildDir [glob -nocomplain [file join \
         [file dirname $::tcl_library] \
           iwidgets3.0.0 scripts]]

    if {[llength $iwidgetsSrcDir] == 1 && [llength $iwidgetsBuildDir] == 1}

# The lindex is necessary because the path may have spaces in it...
#      set initFile [file join [lindex $iwidgetsBuildDir 0] \
#        $::tcl_platform(platform) iwidgets.tcl]

      set initFile [file join [lindex $iwidgetsSrcDir 0] \

#      set libDir [file join [lindex $iwidgetsSrcDir 0] generic]
      set libDir [file join [lindex $iwidgetsSrcDir 0] scripts]

     if {[file exists $initFile] && [file isdirectory $libDir]} {
 if {![catch {source $initFile} err]} {
   # Now fix up the stuff the Iwidgets init file got wrong...

   set libPos [lsearch $::auto_path [file join $::iwidgets::library
   if {$libPos >= 0} {
     set auto_path [lreplace $::auto_path $libPos $libPos $libDir]
   } else {
     lappend ::auto_path $libDir
   set ::iwidgets::library $libDir
   set IwidgetsOK 1
 } else {
   append errMsg "\nError in iwidgets.tcl file: $err"
    } else {
      append errMsg "\nCould not find in-place versions of the Iwidgets
      append errMsg "Looked at: [file join [file dirname\
                     [file dirname $::tcl_library]] itcl iwidgets*]\n"
      append errMsg "and: [file join [file dirname \
                    [info nameofexecutable]] itcl iwidgets*]\n"


  return $IwidgetsOK

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