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Re: Devio function context?

On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 10:27:19AM +0000, Nick Garnett wrote:

> > > Are the functions in the DEVIO_TABLE
> > > (read/write/get|set_config) running in the context of the
> > > calling thread?
> > > 
> > > For example, can they call cyg_mutex_lock()/cyg_mutex_unlock(),
> > > cyg_thread_delay(), etc.?
> > 
> > Absolutely.
> ...but you should really use the cyg_drv_... versions of these
> functions so that the driver is portable to non-kernel configurations.

OK, but...

1) I couldn't find any cyg_drv_delay type of function.

2) Based on the HTML documentation, it's not apparent that
   cyg_drv_mutex_[un]lock() can be called from a thread.
   Looking at the include file, I see that they're defined to
   be cyg_mutex[un]lock, so they obviously can. My interpration
   of the table below was that only things with 3 X's could be
   called from a thread.


  Callable from:
Function ISR DSR Thread

cyg_drv_isr_lock X X
cyg_drv_isr_unlock X X
cyg_drv_dsr_lock X
cyg_drv_dsr_unlock X
cyg_drv_mutex_init X
cyg_drv_mutex_destroy X
cyg_drv_mutex_lock X
cyg_drv_mutex_trylock X
cyg_drv_mutex_unlock X
cyg_drv_mutex_release X
cyg_drv_cond_init X
cyg_drv_cond_destroy X
cyg_drv_cond_wait X
cyg_drv_cond_signal X X
cyg_drv_cond_broadcast X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_create X
cyg_drv_interrupt_delete X
cyg_drv_interrupt_attach X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_detach X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_mask X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_unmask X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_acknowledge X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_configure X X X
cyg_drv_interrupt_level X X X

Grant Edwards

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