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Re: [docbook] Re: Change proposal for swedish localization

lördag 31 januari 2004 22:49 skrev Steinar Bang:
> >>>>> Robin Rosenberg <>:
> > "Obs." or "Observera" is often used to call the readers attention in
> > swedish text, where "Note" would be used in english.
> Used in the Norwegian localizations for <caution> ("Observera" is used
> for <caution> in sv.xml).

"Caution" is stronger, isn't it? That should be "Se upp". "Observera" (sv) is like "Märk", or "Notera". Though
"notera" means the same as "Note", it is not commonly used in that context.

These are the related ones (from docbook documentation) as I think they should be: To sum up.

Note: => Observera (I actually looked it up. Obs!  in Swedish should be note in English). The abbreviated "Obs!"
(note the exclamation mark, is the common usage. "Notera" (as the root of this thread suggested) is still better (but
not good) than the current translation "not". (which was obviously translated out of context, unless there are several

Caution => Se upp (could be translated as Varning, however that one is taken and assuming "caution" in English
is more severe, I think "Se upp" is appropriate.

Important, Warning and Tip are correctly translated.

Since translation is so hard, I wonder if there is a sample document that uses everything in docbook, just to explore 
the effects of translation?  There are many (yet untranslated) words that I might translate, if I could verify the context
easily. The document wording would  not have to contain localized text, I could figure the difference out. It would only be 
for testing. It only has to sample everything in the different contexts. I've only tried docbook in Swedish once, and the "other" 
guys weren't impressed and I didn't have the time to fix all known and unknowns. The translations are not of production quality.

I also noticed. "Glossary => Gloslista", something school children use when training languages. In technical documents
it's "Ordlista" (also applicable to the study of languages).

-- robin

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